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Our Motorcycles - Post What You Got

Hey Dan, I was at the Vintage Festival at Mosport last weekend, the wet weather didn’t dampen my spark to go vintage racing. I haven’t forgotten our conversation at the spring meetup about your 600 Honda, do you still have it?
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Ya I still have it holding up a wall in the barn. I should probably try and clear it out before the winter. I was hoping to go the the VRRA mosport round, but had something else pop up. I didn't get to the Superbike round either. Always nice to see the old bikes. As I get older, the new superbikes interest me less and less. If I ever go racing again, it'll be something vintage. My brain couldn't keep up racing anything modern anymore lol
I agree, the old bikes are fast enough for this “old” guy, if it’s still on the chopping block I’d like to have a look at it, I’d really like an RD 350 as I’ve owned several in the past, but I think a 600 Honda or Yamaha would do quite nicely.
Sure. I'm heading out for golf in about 5 minutes, but I'll send you some pics tomorrow and we can go from there. It was a pretty reliable race bike, but hasn't been started in 12 years, so expect some maintenance and a nice winter project cleaning it up again. The VRRA has a nice class for it now too, with P5.