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New to me ZX45 milling machine

the DRO was from selling other shop tools I don't need

I don't think the last two items on your Ali list are compatible with each other. Were you planning to use them independently? Lots of us have made quill scale mounts to adapt a suitable scale to our mills.

When I did mine, I even configured my dro to add the two Z components - table and quill so I get one Z readout on my DRO.

It's a long read to get to the quill install but hopefully worth the time for you.
I don't think the last two items on your Ali list are compatible with each other. Were you planning to use them independently? Lots of us have made quill scale mounts to adapt a suitable scale to our mills.

When I did mine, I even configured my dro to add the two Z components - table and quill so I get one Z readout on my DRO.

It's a long read to get to the quill install but hopefully worth the time for you.
Did you mean the metric collets and the counter bore bits or were you meaning the dro and the digital quill read out thingy? Sorry I haven't had caffeine yet and my brain isn't fully working.
I don't think the last two items on your Ali list are compatible with each other. Were you planning to use them independently? Lots of us have made quill scale mounts to adapt a suitable scale to our mills.

When I did mine, I even configured my dro to add the two Z components - table and quill so I get one Z readout on my DRO.

It's a long read to get to the quill install but hopefully worth the time for you.
I just read that entire thread there was some very useful information in there. Thank you for suggesting it.
Did you mean the metric collets and the counter bore bits or were you meaning the dro and the digital quill read out thingy? Sorry I haven't had caffeine yet and my brain isn't fully working.

I meant the last two Ali Express items in your shopping list. The digital quill readout and the DRO Readout Display. I don't think they can talk to each other...... As far as I know the only display that can is the TouchDRO unit by Yurih.

I don't even open CHMW till I've had coffee. Too many really sharp guys on here and too easy to miss something.
I meant the last two Ali Express items in your shopping list. The digital quill readout and the DRO Readout Display. I don't think they can talk to each other...... As far as I know the only display that can is the TouchDRO unit by Yurih.

I don't even open CHMW till I've had coffee. Too many really sharp guys on here and too easy to miss something.
Sorry I should have clarified I bought a 3 axis dro and the Z axis will go on the column and then I also bought a separate quill dro with a built in display similar to what a lot of bench top mills come with from factory. The quill dro is a stand alone unit that I keep calling a dro becaue I am not really sure what it is actually called. Sorry for any confusion.
Sorry I should have clarified I bought a 3 axis dro and the Z axis will go on the column and then I also bought a separate quill dro with a built in display similar to what a lot of bench top mills come with from factory. The quill dro is a stand alone unit that I keep calling a dro becaue I am not really sure what it is actually called. Sorry for any confusion.

Appologies are not necessary here and especially not to me.

OK, that's kinda what I thought.

You do realize that most DRO boxes will add 2 inputs to get one output...... You should be able to get a 4th scale, install it on your quill, and then set your DRO to add the quill and the column to get a total Z. It's a wonderful improvement in Z measurements.

There is nothing horrible about those sliding stick units. Normally, they work quite well. However, many users report that they are not as reliable as a magnetic or optical scale.

It would have been a lot easier to install a sliding stick system on my quill. But I wanted to combine them to get one reading so I went the extra mile. I'm ever so happy with the results.

But you are not the only one to go that way. I almost did too. I think most guys who did go that way are happy. I just like to get all my readings in one place and I love the convenience of a Z readout that takes both my quill and my column into account in the same reading for total Z.
Appologies are not necessary here and especially not to me.

OK, that's kinda what I thought.

You do realize that most DRO boxes will add 2 inputs to get one output...... You should be able to get a 4th scale, install it on your quill, and then set your DRO to add the quill and the column to get a total Z. It's a wonderful improvement in Z measurements.

There is nothing horrible about those sliding stick units. Normally, they work quite well. However, many users report that they are not as reliable as a magnetic or optical scale.

It would have been a lot easier to install a sliding stick system on my quill. But I wanted to combine them to get one reading so I went the extra mile. I'm ever so happy with the results.

But you are not the only one to go that way. I almost did too. I think most guys who did go that way are happy. I just like to get all my readings in one place and I love the convenience of a Z readout that takes both my quill and my column into account in the same reading for total Z.
I just had a look and the display I have only has 3 inputs. The display arrived today but the scales won't be here until Monday. I am assuming in order to do that I would need a display that has 4 inputs? I had originally wanted to do a setup like what you have but in the end I went this way mostly because of price. The cheapest option is more that enough to meet my needs and allowed me to get it and start using it a lot sooner. I do very basic milling. I think what you have is super cool. Would yours be considered a 4 axis Dro?