New old member in Calgary


Joshua West
In the classifieds the 'Edit' function dies after a while and that's a problem because of course we want to be able to update our ads in, for instance, the case where buyers have asked questions not addressed in the listing.
Also, we need to be able to delete our ads when the goods are sold, or scrub the original text and put 'Sold' in place so that buyers don't think the item has mysteriously vanished. It's a courtesy to those with an interest.

Edit link dies? I’ve never seen that. How did that happen? Shouldn’t ... I’ve done a bunch of ad editing recently - I didn’t see that problem. Not saying it didn’t Bill just can’t reproduce it.

Both of those have to do with this:

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Will have to put some thought towards the classifieds section.
--> I've never been a fan of allowing deletion of content, as it breaks the conversation for future viewers, makes all subsequent replies potentially invalid / nonsensical, but in this context it does make more sense.


Joshua West
I've added some SOLD text to your ads now, while I mull this over. Please check and confirm I got that all correct. Thanks!
