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Shop Lets see those basement workbenches



Premium Member
Premium Member
One of my buddies bought a full set of these at a Sasksurplus auction for like a hundred bucks back when everybody thought computers would mean a paperless office.:D
Best thing ever. Couldn't be more jealous.

ive actually had to re-enforce concrete floors in commercial high rise buildings for these things, they are absurdly heavy when fully loaded, who woulda thought

Dan Dubeau

Ultra Member
I'm starting to understand why people give me grief about how clean my shop is...boy some of you have messes and lots of stuff lol
I can't speak for everybody but some reasons for mine is
1. Projects that need some diagnosing and fixing. Once I figure out what is wrong I order parts. Sometimes it's weeks before the parts come, and when they do, I might not have the time, or be in the mood to finish fixing them, or onto something else, so the parts get tossed in the pile on top of the project waiting for completion. On my bench right now there is probably at least 5 of those projects. Sometimes I get in the mood and can't decide what to work on, so I just sit there and bang a few out until bed time. I did that last night, and cleared up a few. Still can't see the bench though lol.
2. New tools/acquisitions that do not have a home yet. With nowhere to go, they hang out in purgatory waiting for a permanent spot somewhere. Sometimes that takes years......(it shouldn't but I'm getting better)
3. Too many hobbies/interests, too little space to house them. I live in a 1000sf bungalow with an unfinished basement and attached single car garage shop. I have enough hobbies and interest to fill a warehouse. So does my Wife (the other half of the basement is her yarn biz and knitting machines.
4. Good intentions.....I save a lot of things that I should just immediately toss because I "can use that for something". Old appliances, tools, etc that still have good parts/components that I can repurpose, or fix. Or jsut stuff I want to take apart for fun to see how it works. I have good intentions for them, I really do, but see #3. I also don't have the time to get to them all. Probably never will for some of them, but I hang onto them because I have good intentions for them.
5. ADHD/ASD. Those that are on the spectrums, know all about it. Those that aren't have a hard time understanding. It's perfectly "normal" to be so into something for a few weeks/months chasing the dopamine, then just abandon it for months/years until the interest comes back around. I go through various cycles of this with a lot of my hobbies. I have stuff I haven't touched in years, and then one day will wake up and dive back in head first for a couple weeks until I've had my fill again, then pack it away again for who knows how long. I'm starting to get better organized about it, but the reasons above make that an uphill climb and constant struggle to stay neat and organized about it. Depends on the day/week/month/year. I'm 40, and STILL learning to cope with it. Some days it's a superpower, others it's a struggle. Part of it is rambling on and on about stuff trying to get my point across......That I am NOT getting better at....lol


Premium Member
ive actually had to re-enforce concrete floors in commercial high rise buildings for these things,
I’ve had two electrical engineering jobs where existing equipment was installed on floors without checking the floor loading.

I’m going to make two or three “rolling shelves”, and am hoping that the basement floor is strong enough.


Ultra Member
Premium Member
I can't speak for everybody but some reasons for mine is.

Well you can certainly speak for me!!!!

1. Projects that need some diagnosing and fixing. Once I figure out what is wrong I order parts. Sometimes it's weeks before the parts come, and when they do, I might not have the time, or be in the mood to finish fixing them, or onto something else, so the parts get tossed in the pile on top of the project waiting for completion. On my bench right now there is probably at least 5 of those projects. Sometimes I get in the mood and can't decide what to work on, so I just sit there and bang a few out until bed time. I did that last night, and cleared up a few. Still can't see the bench though lol.

Yup, I have at least that many and at times many many more. Life for me is NEVER just one project at a time. NEVER!!!

2. New tools/acquisitions that do not have a home yet. With nowhere to go, they hang out in purgatory waiting for a permanent spot somewhere. Sometimes that takes years......(it shouldn't but I'm getting better)

I seldom have that problem with brand new purchases. But Kijiji, curbside hauls are another kettle of fish....... It often takes me ages to find them a home because they were not planned.....

3. Too many hobbies/interests, too little space to house them. I live in a 1000sf bungalow with an unfinished basement and attached single car garage shop. I have enough hobbies and interest to fill a warehouse. So does my Wife (the other half of the basement is her yarn biz and knitting machines.

Square footage has nothing to do with it. I could fill a 747 hanger with my hobbies. In a very real way, the available space is the only thing that limits my hobbies. The wife is @SomeGuy 's great aunt. Her stuff is always neat and tidy. I routinely eat off her floor cuz licking the floor is the only way to make sure she doesn't notice I was in there...... :rolleyes:

4. Good intentions.....I save a lot of things that I should just immediately toss because I "can use that for something". Old appliances, tools, etc that still have good parts/components that I can repurpose, or fix. Or jsut stuff I want to take apart for fun to see how it works. I have good intentions for them, I really do, but see #3. I also don't have the time to get to them all. Probably never will for some of them, but I hang onto them because I have good intentions for them.

Never heard it called good intentions before. Next time I get accused of collecting stuff to fix or repurpose or rebuild or or or, I'll just remind the neat freak I live with that I am actually a perfect husband with the very best good intentions.

5. ADHD/ASD. Those that are on the spectrums, know all about it. Those that aren't have a hard time understanding. It's perfectly "normal" to be so into something for a few weeks/months chasing the dopamine, then just abandon it for months/years until the interest comes back around. I go through various cycles of this with a lot of my hobbies. I have stuff I haven't touched in years, and then one day will wake up and dive back in head first for a couple weeks until I've had my fill again, then pack it away again for who knows how long. I'm starting to get better organized about it, but the reasons above make that an uphill climb and constant struggle to stay neat and organized about it. Depends on the day/week/month/year. I'm 40, and STILL learning to cope with it. Some days it's a superpower, others it's a struggle. Part of it is rambling on and on about stuff trying to get my point across......That I am NOT getting better at....lol

Ya........me either.......

There is also something about a neat tidy organized space that stifles my creativity. I need the chaos to nurture those whacky ideas that could never settle out of neatness and tidiness. Looking at a pile of tools or parts or junk generates ideas I'd never have otherwise.

My wife goes nuts looking at a mess. I go nuts looking at neat and tidy. Ironically, part of that stems from fear of making a mess.

On top of all that I also have to live with a brain that can't remember single and 2D data points (names, numbers, formulas, etc) with any regularity but does just fine with spatial 3D information (faces, objects, relationships, where places are, etc). I am certain this is closely related to my preference for piles over files. But not necessarily uniquely so.

Chicken lights

Forum Pony Express Driver
I can't speak for everybody but some reasons for mine is
1. Projects that need some diagnosing and fixing. Once I figure out what is wrong I order parts. Sometimes it's weeks before the parts come, and when they do, I might not have the time, or be in the mood to finish fixing them, or onto something else, so the parts get tossed in the pile on top of the project waiting for completion. On my bench right now there is probably at least 5 of those projects. Sometimes I get in the mood and can't decide what to work on, so I just sit there and bang a few out until bed time. I did that last night, and cleared up a few. Still can't see the bench though lol.
2. New tools/acquisitions that do not have a home yet. With nowhere to go, they hang out in purgatory waiting for a permanent spot somewhere. Sometimes that takes years......(it shouldn't but I'm getting better)
3. Too many hobbies/interests, too little space to house them. I live in a 1000sf bungalow with an unfinished basement and attached single car garage shop. I have enough hobbies and interest to fill a warehouse. So does my Wife (the other half of the basement is her yarn biz and knitting machines.
4. Good intentions.....I save a lot of things that I should just immediately toss because I "can use that for something". Old appliances, tools, etc that still have good parts/components that I can repurpose, or fix. Or jsut stuff I want to take apart for fun to see how it works. I have good intentions for them, I really do, but see #3. I also don't have the time to get to them all. Probably never will for some of them, but I hang onto them because I have good intentions for them.
5. ADHD/ASD. Those that are on the spectrums, know all about it. Those that aren't have a hard time understanding. It's perfectly "normal" to be so into something for a few weeks/months chasing the dopamine, then just abandon it for months/years until the interest comes back around. I go through various cycles of this with a lot of my hobbies. I have stuff I haven't touched in years, and then one day will wake up and dive back in head first for a couple weeks until I've had my fill again, then pack it away again for who knows how long. I'm starting to get better organized about it, but the reasons above make that an uphill climb and constant struggle to stay neat and organized about it. Depends on the day/week/month/year. I'm 40, and STILL learning to cope with it. Some days it's a superpower, others it's a struggle. Part of it is rambling on and on about stuff trying to get my point across......That I am NOT getting better at....lol
Very much can relate to this. I have projects that when I can make progress I move forward, when I get stuck they sit. Important projects get moved to the head of the line when stuff is actually broken

I get a bit stuck on saving stuff now, because it’s cheap now, to avoid buying in the future when it’s expensive

I “just” boxed up some straps today, 7 bins worth. I feel silly hoarding them, but when they used to be $35 and jumped to $65.......

no politics

Dan Dubeau

Ultra Member
After measuring the spot I want to stick it in, the PA one is 3" too long. Thought about lopping it off and modifying it, but I'd do that for a $20 cabinet, not a $100 brand new one. Darren's post on his cabinet builds, seems like a great idea, and I did find an ad for $10 shelf panels....but It's not a project of high importance right now. I'll continue the goldilocks search for one that will fit the space I have. It's a want, not a need and I enjoy the hunt almost as much as the feast.