I don't think my crew cab pickup would fit in there.....
Btw, you have so much stuff in your Toolbox top tray that you cant even close the lid. Better get on that!
Here is a tip for you and others. Those jugs of washer fluid and oil up top are a disaster waiting to happen. I keep most of my fluid jugs on boot trays. The plastic those jugs are made from is the cheapest crappiest stuff possible. Sooner or later you will get one that will crack and leak all over the place. Ask me how I know. It's not if, it's only when. A boot tray provides some insurance against that by containing the disaster and providing a warning that its happening before its too late.
Mine are about 2" deep. I tested them to insure they would contain a large jug nestled among others. But usually the leaks are slow.
Each to his own, but I don't like jugs up high like that either. More opportunity to do damage and also a real pain to rescue one that is leaking.
I know it goes against your grain to fill up valuable lower space with jugs because that means other frequent used tools have to go up top. But one jug of windshield washer fluid leaked all over your tools and etching up your floor will change your priorities real quick.
You might say, "it won't happen to me". But that's a false hope. It has happened to me about 6 times now. Only the first time was a disaster cuz I got boot trays after that. Ya, it's still a mess but it's a mess that is WAAAAY easier to deal with.
Not with anything else, but it could up between the tool box and mill...there's around ~24 feet of depth there and a good 10 feet of width.
And ya, that box lid hasn't been closed in at least 5 years. It wouldn't take much, but I just don't bother...locking it seems pointless when there's a 3 foot wrecking bar and cordless angle grinders sitting right beside it lol my wife wouldn't touch anything in it, and even if she did, she'd put it back where she found it.
As for the tips on jugs, good to know...I've been lucky so far, but using boot trays seems like a simple no fuss solution to that. Will keep an eye out for a good deal on some I can use up there