Im so bad at picture taking once i start a project but i put this unit together for hauling my motor bikes and its working great thus far (now a month old

It all started as a plan in my head years ago, so i collected metal until i had what i needed
these two pieces came from other scrapped projects, the hitch was a material support rack from my cousins ford ranger he made and used for his shop. The other
was a mount i hobbled together for hauling mountain bikes on my old blazers spare tire carrier (it swings out so worked great) blazers scrapped now so its been siting. The tire “holder here came from a swap meet but i did not use it in the final design
an old bed frame (alley find) and some metal screen from my father (1/8”wire) and some unknown angle iron makes the “bed”
and this is where the finished project is used to highlight the build (sigh) i had a rod with a hole on each end so i cut them off and filled in the space with weld
grommet to reduce noise from my aluminum ramp
made of a ramp that was twisted at the top, reinforced with broken painter pole pieces used in christmas lighting.
Harvested u-bolt hangars in the middle from my blazer differential swap for the anchoring turn buckles. And the wheel support is a great place to store the car jack that supports the bike centre of mass (shocks move even under tension (which is bad for a number of reasons))
i will post a mounted on the vehicle picture but not yet .. soon though