Wait, can someone link me a specific post with the issue. I am either not looking in the right spot, or not seeing the issue, probably the former.
Further up in this very thread there are other examples.Wait, can someone link me a specific post with the issue. I am either not looking in the right spot, or not seeing the issue, probably the former.
Okay, well, I am going to call the image one resolved, since I can't see it.
@Tom O , that Ipad thing is tricky to attempt to fix, as the website expands and contracts to fit any screensize. Less common screensizes sometimes have that sort of odd look, but to fix it for Ipad, it would break the site for other sizes (and I don't even know where to start, if I am being honest. haha)
just riling us up Susquatch.You could also try telling the members to get rid of their apples and get some decent hardware.......![]()