Yes still working on it. Thanks Rudy. I need 4" diameter and 92" long so the ice augers probably won't suit. Also the auger has a hollow core and I think that is to let the chips move more easily instead of packing them together.
We are doing the torch and bend technique on a mandrel. John N and John C have been giving me a hand with tools, work shop, labor, and supervision. I'm running the torch, John C. is doing the bends, John N is making helpful observations and has all the equipment we need. Namely acetylene torch, tanks, and such. It was taking about a hour per inch but today we finally got our act together and now it's more like an inch a minute.
This is 1" x 0.25" solid flat bar. I think HAAS uses 1" square tubing but this is similar enough I hope. To bend we welded the flat bar onto the 2" round at the end. Then we started heating the bar about 1 - 2" at a time to low red colour. Torquing down on the end of the bar as a handle and using a crescent wrench to control the bending on the short side. (Actually not a crescent but a bahco wrench -better than crescent never heard of it myself before - look it up) This let us wrap the bar around the 2" round as a mandrel.
We would bend about 120 degrees or so and run out of space - stop heating - reposition round bar down and rotate. Start heating and bending again.
I have a 1:10 gear reducer I will use on a motor I think - or maybe the seat motor referenced above. Not sure yet. I'll be welding these short auger sections together. Still need 2 more I think.