Your daughter may not appreciate that handle
If a daughter she could be named Joni! That's how Joni Mitchell got named!
- If we were doing hot rolled structural steel, and we had a bulk order for 5 guys at about 200$ each, there's lots of guys that would give us a discount.
Here's my particular wish list, and why:
2" X 3" square stock: for making mounts and BXA tool holders (1 1/2 X 3 is better for AXA) I could use 4 feet (based on 5 users, that's a stick)
1/2" X 6 square stock = more jigs and fixtures, 5 feet
2" round, 5 feet: to supplement the 4140 purchase.
1" round,. 10 feet: for everything else
-my point - All the variety of thickneses and sizes is less interesting for me from a stocking point of view. If I neeed 1.4" plate for a specific job, I can buy it by the piece at the time of that job (I always buy double the qty I need, so I have leftovers - bothe for mistakes, ans also for the next job)
Since I'm a little frugal these days, I'd prefer 4' lengths, but I'd settle for 5' to make the purchase. My tops budget is 200$ however.
-- I also have an aluminum wish list, but that's another issue.