This damn iPhone photo rotation thing again!!
Everytime I update the forum software this issue pops up again. Upgrades are few and far enough between it is always a hassle getting it fixed. I'll take some more notes this time, for the next upgrade.
The issue described above of repeatedly applying this custom fix is what
@Janger is referring to. Custom functionality and modifications take ongoing maintenance for the life of the forum.
When it's an item or two, it's not overly burdensome, but they add up quickly.
Worse, each one becomes a future major issue should I ever be hit by a bus or something, as each is bound to me, and otherwise impossible to maintain without me, even by someone who knows the forum software intimately.
For a not for profit endeavour in the absence of a technical team, it's probably best we minimize the custom stuff when we can.
We can implement custom stuff, but need to be calculated about it.
Maybe we could try a vote based system or something... Not sure. I'll put some thought to it!