Alrighty folks, an update from the shop.
Way back in June I bought plans from Rob Cosman for his workbench. It's specifically designed for handtool woodworking. Then I got Covid, then I had to rebuild the house stairs and finally I built a greenhouse in the backyard. After buying the materials in August, I finally got started on the bench last week.
The base is built from 3/4" Baltic Birch ply strips laminated into two legs and four stretchers. The top is three layers of 1" MDF.
The top weighs 90 lbs and the base is another 90 lbs. It's really solid.
Baltic Birch strips, all cut with my track saw. I was amazed by consistency I managed to get. These are all within 1/64" of the same width.
Cut to the required lengths for the glue up.
Two trestles and the top stretchers. The stretchers are secured with 3/8" threaded rod with nuts and washers.
Even with only the top stretchers it did not rack.

The top is glued up in stages with 1-1/2" wood screws and washers on a 6" grid providing the clamping pressure.
This was the part that I was more nervous about because it's a big area to glue and you only get one shot at it.
The bottom layer is cut to the final dimension of 60" x 20" and the subsequent layers are 1/4" over size then trimmed with a bearing bit in a router.

Tonight I hope to glue the final layer on the top.
Then install the vise, cut the vise chop and drill the dog holes and coat with shellac.