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Daily struggles with Ableism

Windows 12 can recognize your brainwaves. Typing, talking, texting and phones are soon obsolete. You can even buy a robot to pet your dog.o_O
I also have hearing loss and tinnitus, mine comes on suddenly and sounds like a million cidadas. Sounds like hearilng loss and tinnitis is a common thing, I never realised. Mine is probably due to my 25 years service with the RAAF. In the early days we weren't permitted to wear hearing protection because you couldn't hear the range master. I was a police dog handler for those 25 years, we never wore hearing protection when carrying out gunfire attacks, a you couldn't hear the handler's instructions. I've been out 22 years, but I would assume that is still the case.

I was medically discharged 22 years ago, aged 49, never worked again. Widespread OA, diabetes and wrecked lumbar spine saw to that. Five years ago I wa diagnosed with RA, then the rheumatologist re diagnosed it as psoriatic arthritis mutilans. Unfortunately, none of the DMARDS or bioogics worked, so now I have to rely on surgeries and pain killers. So far I've had my right hip replaced twice, had an ulna nerve transposition, great toe joint replaced, index and second fingers fused and pinky and ring fingers have new plastic joints.

My left hip is now starting to object, and recently I had scans done on my elbow. When the specialist saw the images he said 'my God, there's nothing left, you have no elbow joint'. I refuse to get it replaced as it's very limiting, no lifting anything heavier than a coffee cup, no repetitive movements and so on. It does give me a lot of pain, but I can still use my hand, just not for screwdrivers, spanners, hammers, etc. Lately my left elbow has started complaining, I hate whingers, but it just wont shut the hell up!.

A it turned out, the PsA wa a blessing, I had to have scans of my joints when first diagnosed and the scans picked up cancerous nodules in my right lung, so I had the upper and middle lobes removed. Unfortunately cancerous spots returned 18 months later, so, I underwent radio and chemo. 18 months later it returned, so, I underwent more aggressive radio, roll on another 18 months and it ha returned again, so I'm about to undergo radio again, as soon a the spots are big enough to target, 10mm.

I'm under no illusion, I know it will kill me, but with a bit of luck I may get a few years more with which to annoy the hell out of everyone!


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I also have hearing loss and tinnitus, mine comes on suddenly and sounds like a million cidadas. Sounds like hearilng loss and tinnitis is a common thing, I never realised. Mine is probably due to my 25 years service with the RAAF. In the early days we weren't permitted to wear hearing protection because you couldn't hear the range master. I was a police dog handler for those 25 years, we never wore hearing protection when carrying out gunfire attacks, a you couldn't hear the handler's instructions. I've been out 22 years, but I would assume that is still the case.

I was medically discharged 22 years ago, aged 49, never worked again. Widespread OA, diabetes and wrecked lumbar spine saw to that. Five years ago I wa diagnosed with RA, then the rheumatologist re diagnosed it as psoriatic arthritis mutilans. Unfortunately, none of the DMARDS or bioogics worked, so now I have to rely on surgeries and pain killers. So far I've had my right hip replaced twice, had an ulna nerve transposition, great toe joint replaced, index and second fingers fused and pinky and ring fingers have new plastic joints.

My left hip is now starting to object, and recently I had scans done on my elbow. When the specialist saw the images he said 'my God, there's nothing left, you have no elbow joint'. I refuse to get it replaced as it's very limiting, no lifting anything heavier than a coffee cup, no repetitive movements and so on. It does give me a lot of pain, but I can still use my hand, just not for screwdrivers, spanners, hammers, etc. Lately my left elbow has started complaining, I hate whingers, but it just wont shut the hell up!.

A it turned out, the PsA wa a blessing, I had to have scans of my joints when first diagnosed and the scans picked up cancerous nodules in my right lung, so I had the upper and middle lobes removed. Unfortunately cancerous spots returned 18 months later, so, I underwent radio and chemo. 18 months later it returned, so, I underwent more aggressive radio, roll on another 18 months and it ha returned again, so I'm about to undergo radio again, as soon a the spots are big enough to target, 10mm.

I'm under no illusion, I know it will kill me, but with a bit of luck I may get a few years more with which to annoy the hell out of everyone!
sorry to hear about your health issues. Fight the good fight and enjoy those days and pleasures that you can.
I also have hearing loss and tinnitus, mine comes on suddenly and sounds like a million cidadas. Sounds like hearilng loss and tinnitis is a common thing, I never realised. Mine is probably due to my 25 years service with the RAAF. In the early days we weren't permitted to wear hearing protection because you couldn't hear the range master. I was a police dog handler for those 25 years, we never wore hearing protection when carrying out gunfire attacks, a you couldn't hear the handler's instructions. I've been out 22 years, but I would assume that is still the case.

I was medically discharged 22 years ago, aged 49, never worked again. Widespread OA, diabetes and wrecked lumbar spine saw to that. Five years ago I wa diagnosed with RA, then the rheumatologist re diagnosed it as psoriatic arthritis mutilans. Unfortunately, none of the DMARDS or bioogics worked, so now I have to rely on surgeries and pain killers. So far I've had my right hip replaced twice, had an ulna nerve transposition, great toe joint replaced, index and second fingers fused and pinky and ring fingers have new plastic joints.

My left hip is now starting to object, and recently I had scans done on my elbow. When the specialist saw the images he said 'my God, there's nothing left, you have no elbow joint'. I refuse to get it replaced as it's very limiting, no lifting anything heavier than a coffee cup, no repetitive movements and so on. It does give me a lot of pain, but I can still use my hand, just not for screwdrivers, spanners, hammers, etc. Lately my left elbow has started complaining, I hate whingers, but it just wont shut the hell up!.

A it turned out, the PsA wa a blessing, I had to have scans of my joints when first diagnosed and the scans picked up cancerous nodules in my right lung, so I had the upper and middle lobes removed. Unfortunately cancerous spots returned 18 months later, so, I underwent radio and chemo. 18 months later it returned, so, I underwent more aggressive radio, roll on another 18 months and it ha returned again, so I'm about to undergo radio again, as soon a the spots are big enough to target, 10mm.

I'm under no illusion, I know it will kill me, but with a bit of luck I may get a few years more with which to annoy the hell out of everyone!
Only the lucky get old enough to complain about it.
Hang in there.
gee, I guess some medical conditions are needed to be a metal fab/machine person (note that I used the politically correct term!!!) We are in our early '70s and have a bit of hearing loss and a fair bit of tinitus. Wife has RA (a sewing fanatic counting the years left before she can't do that any more) and I lost my sense of smell just before Covid came along. My hearing loss probably started from 105mm Howitzers and firearms, but in my '20s being in and around airplanes and race bikes a lot I bought a pair of passive noise cancelling DC headsets for wife and I and realized just how much my hearing was being threatened. Have been a little (not always enough) careful ever since. Guess I should consider myself lucky to be almost fully functional at my age.
I try to deal with everyone with the view that they are all broken in some way. I certainly have my own issues and challenges, and I really don't think it is much different for a stranger at the other end of the ad.

-- Until, of course, I find out that they are exploitative or predatory, and then self-protection kicks in.

In order to give opportunity to see the best they have to offer, I try to treat people as if they are kind, reasonable, and supportive. Sometimes treating people as you'd like them to be, helps them to rise to those things, or gives them room to be kind, etc.

Same goes for physical limits. Many people with disabilities resent being coddled, and want to do all they can within their abilities. I'm certainly that way about my (relatively minor) issues.
In order to give opportunity to see the best they have to offer, I try to treat people as if they are kind, reasonable, and supportive. Sometimes treating people as you'd like them to be, helps them to rise to those things, or gives them room to be kind, etc.

Very well said @Dabbler.
I think when you get to the age some of us are at (65-70) there aren't very many that have no medical issues.Comes with the territory I guess.
I think when you get to the age some of us are at (65-70) there aren't very many that have no medical issues.Comes with the territory I guess.

Hey! There are members on here who are in their 90s and lots more in their 80s. Why are you making it sound like 65 to 70 is old? I'm 77 and I don't want to be left out of anything till the grass turns white!

Ya, I've had my health issues, but I'm still dreaming of bigger better tools.
I have tinnitus in my left ear. I was in construction and maintenance off and on since I was 16 . In construction, I heard about Swedish cotton for ear plugs but I never had any when using a Ramset or a Skilsaw. It was something you supplied yourself in those days. It wasn't the best work environment . But I think the most of the damage was done by window wind noise while driving. My wife complains about my hard of hearing, often suggesting hearing aids. I tell her they don't help because there is no reception on those frequencies. The rest aren't that good either. It made elk hunting a lot more difficult. I wasn't musical enough for a good answer anyway.