• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

Daily struggles with Ableism

@Darren you are waaay more patient than me!
Could not have said it better!

Lots of winners on Kijiji. Had this one guy trying to buy a car for his kid and he kept calling and lowballing & bad mouthing or he had his wife call with a sob story. It was satisfying to tell her that a party came with cash and paid the asking on the spot.

asks for address and time, shows up likes it, say I'll take it, and hands me $350 for a deposit, and he'll be back the next day. About 15 minutes after he leaves, he texts me says 'I can't buy the car, keep the deposit. Sorry' . So i text him back, told him shit happens, come back and get your deposit as i had 20 other kijidiots blowing up my phone. He totally ghosted me after that. Zero contact again. WTF???

We can never know what kind of crap goes on in someone else's life. Betting he called his wife or folks or...... all excited to tell them he just bought a car... Then he proceeds to get royal blue crap for it. He is too embarrassed now to come back and might also be so angry at whoever to give you the money just to spite them. Who knows?

All of us have bad things happen from time to time.

My daughter likes to remind me almost every day that there are people elsewhere who would give everything to have my worst day. And so right she is.
His wife was with him when he looked at the car, she mentioned that it was too small for their dog, and that they only had 1 parking spot so he'd have to park on the street. That was a convo that should have happened beforehand, but he still wanted the car. I'm betting that she wasn't too happy on the ride back. She was quite a bit bigger than he was and didn't look too happy with him.
Tinnitus here too! I got mine firing a pistol without hearing protection in my early 20's. My dad has tinnitus as well. There must be a hereditary component for sure. I saw an interesting treatment offered in Europe for tinnitus where they determine the frequency that your ringing is and then program a hearing aid device to generate tones just above and below that frequency to train the brain to "ignore" the sound. Not sure the success rate, but anything is better than nothing, which is the option that my doctor gave me.

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Tinnitus here too! I got mine firing a pistol without hearing protection in my early 20's. My dad has tinnitus as well. There must be a hereditary component for sure. I saw an interesting treatment offered in Europe for tinnitus where they determine the frequency that your ringing is and then program a hearing aid device to generate tones just above and below that frequency to train the brain to "ignore" the sound. Not sure the success rate, but anything is better than nothing, which is the option that my doctor gave me.
It is called notch therapy

There is a service that will take all your music and modify it for notch therapy purposes so you can listen to something you like while taking therapy. IIRC that service is ungodly expensive and I'd think the music no longer sounds as intended. but I dont know. I do know the devices were beyond my budget when I first looked. But I looked at the data and it looks like promising therapy
It is called notch therapy

There is a service that will take all your music and modify it for notch therapy purposes so you can listen to something you like while taking therapy. IIRC that service is ungodly expensive and I'd think the music no longer sounds as intended. but I dont know. I do know the devices were beyond my budget when I first looked. But I looked at the data and it looks like promising therapy

I just read an article out of the UK saying that considering the amount of tinnitus in the population there is relatively little research and funding dedicated to studying it. Guess because there are no physical symptoms, so if you don't have it, you really don't understand the negative impact it has on a person's life.
Wow the amount of tinnitus among members seems quite high? I've got some hearing loss as well but nothing too serious yet and no tinnitus, maybe that's coming yet.
I just read an article out of the UK saying that considering the amount of tinnitus in the population there is relatively little research and funding dedicated to studying it. Guess because there are no physical symptoms, so if you don't have it, you really don't understand the negative impact it has on a person's life.
True that tinnitus gets less funding based on the proportion of the population that has it, but they do know significant impacts particularly to mental health, feelings of isolation, sleep deprivation and related health effects from the loss of sleep,
@Darren -

There you go. I think you have written the story. She prolly reamed him and he folded. He prolly also pointed out the deposit as a desperate last act of defense. When she clouted him again, he was stuck. The only way he could hit her back was the lost deposit. You did him a favour by keeping it. Poor guy.
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Wow the amount of tinnitus among members seems quite high? I've got some hearing loss as well but nothing too serious yet and no tinnitus, maybe that's coming yet.
8 to 25.3% of the population of the United States. Similarly, population based studies conducted in other nations have found a similar prevalence of tinnitus, ranging from 4.6% to 30%
It really is amazing how loud it gets in any room when you start losing your hearing. I thought slowly going deaf was going to be a lot quieter......... +1 with tinnitus.
I know right...

I never experience true quiet any longer... in fact since I have to use sound masking techniques it is even more noisy but background noise helps brain ignore my tinnitus for much of the day. That and deep concentration on tasks is very helpful... even tasks like reading and posting to forums
One of the most frustrating things for me is the frequency of alarms and notification beeps is right at the tone of my tinnitus. All high pitched. I need a "growl" more than a "beep".
One of the most frustrating things for me is the frequency of alarms and notification beeps is right at the tone of my tinnitus. All high pitched. I need a "growl" more than a "beep".
I think the other day I saw an alarm that used capacitors... how about a jolt?

mine is a dual tone in my left ear both that is continuous and the right ear has intermittent high frequency
both my ears are the same. High frequency ring/whistle. I can't hear birds or any other similar noises. I like to hunt but depend a lot on eyesight. I know some ppl have a very hard time with it and I really feel for them.
I remember the first morning after getting my hearing aids, going outside to start the car, and hearing all these noises, which startled me. I'm looking around, and around, and determined it was a couple kids talking to each other at the end of the street, 50yds away.

Another time in the backyard for a BBQ, near the end of the evening, I start hearing all these noises. I thought it was just my tinnitus, but it started to get louder. I asked, "do you guys hear that noise?", they looked at each other confused, then my girlfriend piped up, "it's the crickets!". Yeah, good laugh was had by all, at my expense!
I too want to talk to people on the phone when selling on kijiji - to assess if they're serious and not a scammer. A lot of people who only text are unfortunately scammers. I think when people say they can't use the phone it sounds suspicious. I don't think that's fair sorry @TorontoBuilder . And as other's mentioned some people are frankly really lousy at texting or email - I had a boss with bad dyslexia - you had to talk to him emails/texts would tend to go unanswered. People in IT too tend to gravitate to the written word - it's a strength - but for others who simply don't read well and are poor typists voice works better for them. As an IT analyst I need to be mindful of this - the wrong comm. channel can lead to bad results.

Technology is improving - I think we're almost at the point where speech to text is accurate and fast that it could morph communication channels into mixed mode and be highly effective. Someone talks to you - the computer takes the dictation and you can read it, type your response and the phone can speak it back to the person.
I too want to talk to people on the phone when selling on kijiji - to assess if they're serious and not a scammer. A lot of people who only text are unfortunately scammers. I think when people say they can't use the phone it sounds suspicious. I don't think that's fair sorry @TorontoBuilder . And as other's mentioned some people are frankly really lousy at texting or email - I had a boss with bad dyslexia - you had to talk to him emails/texts would tend to go unanswered. People in IT too tend to gravitate to the written word - it's a strength - but for others who simply don't read well and are poor typists voice works better for them. As an IT analyst I need to be mindful of this - the wrong comm. channel can lead to bad results.

Technology is improving - I think we're almost at the point where speech to text is accurate and fast that it could morph communication channels into mixed mode and be highly effective. Someone talks to you - the computer takes the dictation and you can read it, type your response and the phone can speak it back to the person.
I used dragon speak for several years when I wrote a lot of reports and such, two years of training that dumb software and had to give up because I can type faster with my hunting and pecking. My brother uses speech to text to send all his text messages, and if he had a good software he could join the forum. Not there yet sadly.

I'm aware that scammers do like to text. But text of messages are actually better because it provides a written record that is much better if you need to pursue legal action