ersatz engineer
Only if it was free!When I ordered it, the chief financial officer informed me it was my Christmas present.
I lost some Dewalt tools in October

Only if it was free!When I ordered it, the chief financial officer informed me it was my Christmas present.
Back in the 70’s they said to use neon bulbs with the wires wrapped around the plug wire, myself I use to just hold on to it to check for spark i never tried the new at that time electronic ignition coils though or the Acel Supercoils. In auto shop at school we sometimes grabbed the plug wire letting the juice flow through our bodies only to place a finger on someone’s neck to complete the circuit.I picked up a 5 inch vise for my mill from Vevor. Looking forward to making use of it.
I also bought myself one of these:
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In-line ignition testor. Put it in series with a spark plug and it lights up if there's spark.
After all these years trying to test for a spark while holding the plug wire with a screw driver and trying (usually unsuccessfully) to not get zapped while simultaneously pulling on a recoil starter or trying to kick start.
Only about $10, but decades overdue.
I’m waiting for the battery operated Vegimatic “ it slices it dices it even makes Julian fries! “Milwaukee's line of tools keeps expanding. Waiting for the day when someone is bragging up their new Milwaukee M18 pasta maker.![]()
When I was a kid my brother told my Mom that he knew what she was getting for Christmas and wouldn't tell her but it started with Veg and ended with ImaticI’m waiting for the battery operated Vegimatic “ it slices it dices it even makes Julian fries! “
My grandfather apparently was known for grabbing onto a spark plug/wire of the old magneto driven tractor engines to check for misses. It was said he'd sit there & shake for a second or two, then grab the next one. I can't imagine......myself I use to just hold on to it to check for spark...
I would tell the younger guys,” take care of your eyes, ears, lungs, you get one set, they have to last a life time! No fun without any of them”.
I would add nose (sense of smell) to that list, and my wife would add boy parts.
I picked up a full face respirator five or six years back, lightly used. Four Irish guys living in a basement, had all been working polishing stone cladding, all quit and sold their gear.I got a nice unexpected Christmas "tool" this past weekend. A nice full face Respirator and welding shield. Only had to work a couple 12's overnight in a very tight place, wearing a tyvek suit, replating a boiler feed shute (garbage) to get it.......3 guys in a space the size of about 2 std bathtubs (aprx 34"x14') end to end, access only via 19" dia hatch. We could crouch under the ledge heading to the burner to cut plates and material or to get by each other (otherwise it was get prison comfy and slide past each other). Fun job. Can't wait to do the other boiler next shutdown.
Should come in handy when I finish my belt grinder. I was looking at buying one a while back, so it actually is a nice bonus.
I think I'm recovered from switching over, and my sleep hangover is minimal today, so I might get some shop time. My scafold casters showed up yesterday, so I might get started on my McGyver 1 pound gantry. I drew it up last night, and it should be a pretty straight forward build using material I have on hand.
Yeah, I got the tinnitus too, though wife says I say “what” a lot less with the hearing aid. Wished I had known what the ears would be like with no hearing protection when I was much younger. But young, and knew most every thing once aponatime!