KMS had best prices on new tanks when I bought mine. (on sale) They fill from other bottles so my 250 cu ft always quite a bit lower psi than from the big guys even when leaving it there overnight. New tank is good for ten year from date of manufacture, used is 5 year between recertification. (hydrotest)
Not sure how large of acetylene cylinders kms fills? I have only used them for small "B" bottle size, and it is direct exchange.
I wouldn't buy used unless it came with some proof of ownership or you know how to read info on neck. A lot are considered stolen rentals, get confiscated, or no one will fill them. My first set were good deal used tanks from buy and sell only to find out they were rentals when I tried to refill
Not sure how large of acetylene cylinders kms fills? I have only used them for small "B" bottle size, and it is direct exchange.
I wouldn't buy used unless it came with some proof of ownership or you know how to read info on neck. A lot are considered stolen rentals, get confiscated, or no one will fill them. My first set were good deal used tanks from buy and sell only to find out they were rentals when I tried to refill