• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

Are wives (or husbands...) that bad?

My wife is the best! She is extremely supportive and even helps move machines when she can. She loves that our son has taken an interest to it. It's awesome that she grew up with machine tools as her dad and now brother owns a cnc machine shop....
I made the pilgrimage to Calgary from Ontario and spent some days in what would be considered Canadian dessert, (Saskatchewan highway) - my wife supported that mission and was the catalyst for its purpose. I consider things to be quite amicable here :). As well she thinks the meet & greet is a super cool plan once Covid is less concerning.

I thought of you as I watched Richard Rawlings of Gas Monkey Garage crush his two Opel's because nobody would claim them.


last night before heading to bed I mentioned to my wife that a delivery from amazon may come while I am out picking up a few small items from an auction...

Thus commenced a huge fuss, first for the imposition of having an amazon package potentially arrive while I was out... and secondly because she seemed to have not heard the ten times I said I was bidding on auction items and would be running out on Saturday.

She then complained for an hour that I was running out at all and told me I could not go because she'd been worried that earlier in the week she'd have to rush me to the hospital... all news to me, since while I was unwell with more of my usual health issues I was feeling nowhere like I'd have to be hospitalized. I'd also told her that I had been feeling much better the past two days...

anyway, I am not forfeiting any goods because the auctioneer only has a two day pick-up window with zero flexibility...

it's nice to know one person doesn't want yah dead too

I finally was able to connect with the auction house, they are letting me pick-up the stuff Monday, which is the same day I pick up the KO Lee grinder about 35 minutes south of there.

Wife is happier. I'm happy.
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last night before heading to bed I mentioned to my wife that a delivery from amazon may come while I am out picking up a few small items from an auction...

Thus commenced a huge fuss, first for the imposition of having an amazon package potentially arrive while I was out... and secondly because she seemed to have not heard the ten times I said I was bidding on auction items and would be running out on Saturday.

She then complained for an hour that I was running out at all and told me I could not go because she'd been worried that earlier in the week she'd have to rush me to the hospital... all news to me, since while I was unwell with more of my usual health issues I was feeling nowhere like I'd have to be hospitalized. I'd also told her that I had been feeling much better the past two days...

anyway, I am not forfeiting any goods because the auctioneer only has a two day pick-up window with zero flexibility...

it's nice to know one person doesn't want yah dead too

I finally was able to connect with the auction house, they are letting me pick-up the stuff Monday, which is the same day I pick up the KO Lee grinder about 35 minutes south of there.

Wife is happier. I'm happy.

I get the same grief from time to time.

And I know I do my fair share of complaining about my spouse.

But all in all she is a pretty amazing woman. A lot more amazing than that grouchy old geezer that keeps trying to stare me down in the mirror. There is no world I could ever imagine that would ever convince me to live with him.

Ya, she is a Saint.
anyway, I am not forfeiting any goods because the auctioneer only has a two day pick-up window with zero flexibility...
What they say and what they do may be a bit different. When I was there for the preview, the auctioneer eventually explained that about the front quarter of the main space was full of items that hadn't yet been picked up from prior auctions. I got the impression that this was about par for the course.

Come May my old gal and I will be happily married 63 years, heavenly bliss, no arguments, no complaining, and never said no to me once, what more can a man ask for. Liar, liar your pants are on fire!

Marriages are made in heaven so is thunder and lightening. Devil made me say it. LOL
I get the same grief from time to time.

And I know I do my fair share of complaining about my spouse.

But all in all she is a pretty amazing woman. A lot more amazing than that grouchy old geezer that keeps trying to stare me down in the mirror. There is no world I could ever imagine that would ever convince me to live with him.

Ya, she is a Saint.
I've only ever seen you gush over her...
My wife still puts up with me.
We got married late . . . 2023 will be 30 years.

She told me I should have a hobby for when I retire.
So I said an air plane would cost me $100k . . . and she said “enjoy your mill”.

(The electric ultra-lite plans are on the drawing board)
My wife still puts up with me.
We got married late . . . 2023 will be 30 years.

She told me I should have a hobby for when I retire.
So I said an air plane would cost me $100k . . . and she said “enjoy your mill”.

(The electric ultra-lite plans are on the drawing board)
keep us posted on those plans
I'm with wife number two now for 24 years now. I learned from the first mistake!
24 years and we have never had an argument. She is very supportive of my
hobbies and I am the same with hers. She told me she wanted to get an embroidery
machine. I researched them and bought her a Janome MC500 and the software for
designing patterns for it and a new laptop. That cost as much as a new Chinese
made 12" x 36" lathe. Upgraded her sewing machine and a new serger in the past
few years as well. So when I drag home another motorcycle project or shop
machine its never a problem.
My wife still puts up with me.
We got married late . . . 2023 will be 30 years.

She told me I should have a hobby for when I retire.
So I said an air plane would cost me $100k . . . and she said “enjoy your mill”.

(The electric ultra-lite plans are on the drawing board)
I too got married later in life. I bought myself an ultralight kit to build when I was still single and the plan was to be flying it in 6 months. Well I then got married shortly after and the plane hasn't flown yet. That was 15 years ago I bought the plane.
I too got married later in life. I bought myself an ultralight kit to build when I was still single and the plan was to be flying it in 6 months. Well I then got married shortly after and the plane hasn't flown yet. That was 15 years ago I bought the plane.
I used to fish.


like all the time

then I got married. Took wife fishing. Caught fish... wife got upset it was flopping in boat, so I whacked it on the head to kill it, wife got really upset, have not fished since

EDIT: By upset I mean she bawled like a baby, continuously, for more than an hour. It was only amusing the first 5 minutes
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I used to fish.


like all the time

then I got married. Took wife fishing. Caught fish... wife got upset it was flopping in boat, so I whacked it on the head to kill it, wife got really upset, have not fished since
side note:
I used to visit places like the churchill river, lake diefenbaker, mistassini lake

I haven't done so in over 20 years...
Wife #1 was lithe, lissome, dressed to the nines, brought home a decent pay check, kept the house clean, good cook, and meaner than a junkyard dog.

I gave her the house and kept my truck and tools. She got everything else.

Wife #2 laughs a lot and encourages me to enjoy myself. Worth a lot more than the house.
True story.
Wife #1 was so tough I shot her with a shotgun (it was an accident) and she walked it off.
I had to do dishes for a few years to do penance.
Come to think of it, I still don't win too many arguments.
She's still wife #1. I'm never gonna get that lucky twice in a row.
Note to self, dont go hunting with Dogggboy

or Dick Cheney
I wasn't even hunting!
There were deer in the garden in the winter, right outside the kitchen window.
No problem with that as we had the garden off already but they were driving my dog crazy in the house.
I went out with the airsoft and unloaded a few hundred shots at them to scare them off and they didn't budge. Might as well have been flies.
I came back in and got the .410 and had planned to fire a shot over them to scare them off. My wife walked out ahead of me. I chambered a shell, mistake number 1, cocked it, mistake number 2, and took off the safety, mistake number 3.
Thankfully I had the gun pointed away from her by 90 degrees. It went off and hit one of the brick posts surrounding the deck. We both jumped and my wife said "Did you just shoot me?" My first response was "NO" followed by "maybe?" One pellet went through the hair on her forehead. Another went through her insulated coveralls and into her thigh deep enough that we couldn't get it out with tweezers. Not much blood though so after a somewhat heated discussion we decided to leave it be and wait. It healed pretty quickly so other than dish duty for a while the only real repercussion was I had to take my PAL course so I could at least own the guns legally. The next year I surrendered the gun to the local RCMP on "NO QUESTIONS ASKED DAY".
This had been a single shot .410 shotgun my Dad had given me that he had had as a kid 55 years prior in the 30's.
I've still got his double barrel 12 gauge but it stays in the safe when my wife is out and about the yard.