I wouldn't worry about it much. He mostly missed what he was aiming at....... She lived to torment him.Note to self, dont go hunting with Dogggboy
or Dick Cheney
On another vein, isn't it funny how all that cute wildlife drives you crazy if you spoil them?
I fed geese in the back yard one winter. There is a reason they say "slick as goose sh$$". Our yard was a disaster for months. Way worse than doggy dooo.
Didn't learn my lesson. Fed wild turkey the next winter. Waaaay worse than geese. Stuff is jet black and stains.
Still didn't learn. Fed the deer one really bad winter. Can't be as bad as birds. WRONG! Big animals = big sh$$. Even worse, we had a bad tick infestation that coming summer!
Ya, don't feed wild animals.