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  1. mprozycki

    Another drafting question! :)

    Hey guys, It's been a few months since I've posted but I'm nearing the point of moving forward with having a part from "Ball-Socket Joints" project CNC machined. I had some really good help from a fellow member (PeterT) with creating a clean technical drawings, which i implemented right away...
  2. mprozycki

    Help with technical drawings.

    Hi guys, I'm not sure if this is an appropriate request for this forum, but there's only one way to find out. I'm working on the technical drawings for the ball-socket joints that I referenced in a previous post. I have some understanding of the correct method, but I'm concerned there are...
  3. mprozycki

    Question regarding coatings on S.S balls?

    Hello fellow enthusiasts, I've been trying to reverse engineer some ball-socket joint designs using 360 fusion. I purchased these joints from John Wright model maker in the U.K. I'm doing this for personal use as I am a fan of stop-motion animation. The current joint I'm studying is made of...
  4. mprozycki

    Hello from Edmonton, AB

    Hello fellow machining enthusiasts! My name is Mick and I'm an Edmonton based artist. I have some metalworking and machining experience. I also work as a carpenter. I joined the forum as a way to network with other craftsmen.