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Recent content by mikoyan31

  1. M

    Lathe number two, where by the author bites off more than he can chew

    Back out to the shop for a couple hours tonight. Come hell or high water I was going to get those back gears off. Some primitive was pounding on this. Oi I hate people who abuse tools. Tried to dress it down with a file but there really wasn't room and it was seized up solid, not moving...
  2. M

    Lathe number two, where by the author bites off more than he can chew

    I should have tried, but I figured since the lathe is sitting loose on the legs of my engine hoist as I disassemble it, if it was stuck I couldn't brace against anything. If it wasn't it should come off anyway. Hind sight being 20/20 and me being rather near sighted, I didn't even bother...
  3. M

    Lathe number two, where by the author bites off more than he can chew

    Put an hour or so into the lathe last night. Mainly I want to get it stripped down enough so I can get the bed into the basement without rupturing myself. Got the head stock off. As repairs go I've seen (and done) worse. You can kind of see here how the back gears are all cock-eyed...
  4. M

    Lathe number two, where by the author bites off more than he can chew

    To the best of my knowledge, aka read on the internet, that was where a wick would live. It would soak up oil and distribute it on the shaft. A much better set up then the rain storm of oil my old Fay and Scott flings around the shop. If it isn't dripping I had better add some. There are...
  5. M

    Lathe number two, where by the author bites off more than he can chew

    I've been quiet for the last while. Life has a bad habit of getting in the way. With the youngest launched into first year university, the wife recovering from a mental health episode, and my dominant hand recovered enough from spring surgery that I can use it, this middle aged man's thoughts...
  6. M

    Anyone experienced with flat belt or line shaft setup?

    @Bandit yeah, life gets in the way, especially with two teenagers in the house. In no particular order: - The holes on the plate are threaded. The bolts are actually a fair bit too long so your idea of belt adjusting shims might be in the money. That said I have seen absolutely no reference...
  7. M

    Anyone experienced with flat belt or line shaft setup?

    Well, that has gone down in the books officially as two weeks from hell. Sorry folks I didn't mean to go radio silent, life just got in the way. I did spend some time yesterday fiddling with the old machine and took some pics. All with my cell phone. At least it's a Pixel phone so the...
  8. M

    Anyone experienced with flat belt or line shaft setup?

    I'll see about some this evening. Right now it's gardening season and I'm planting and transplanting rhododendrons and roses and generally playing in the dirt.
  9. M

    Anyone experienced with flat belt or line shaft setup?

    So I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion I'm an idiot who shouldn't be let out without a keeper. Couple of years ago I picked up a camelback drill press, Canadian Forge and Blower brand. The machine has been electrified, i.e. there is a switch bolted to the side of it and a hacked together belt...
  10. M

    Heading East! Ya Mule Ya!

    Tractor rear mounted blowers are quite common around here, at least in the Woodstock NB area. There is a company in Hartland NB, Craig Manufacturing. They make a lot of heavy stuff, but one I saw that was cool was a snow blade that basically chain mounts to a wheel loader bucket. I am not...
  11. M

    Heading East! Ya Mule Ya!

    Damn it Brent, every time you come east a Nor' Easter follows you like some demented puppy! Would you please settle down and at least try to keep your pet storms on a leash? I've never had an insulated basement, but then again I've always had a wet basement come spring. Current house the...
  12. M

    Bathroom demo/reno materials salvage?

    Good day all. For background, a couple weeks ago a rain storm in the kitchen kicked off a bathroom renovation much sooner than anticipated. Now here's the problem. My Scotish ancestry (I'm not cheap, I'm frugal!) combined with growing up and living in a poor rural area of New Brunswick means...
  13. M

    Shop Shop Alarm Systems

    Late to the party as usual, but with a topic I'm familiar with. Up until last year (2015 was last year, right?) I worked for Xplornet. Not in sales, or phone support. In the back end, operations/engineering side so this is the straight poop. Warning: wall of text. The phrase you're looking...
  14. M

    Heading East! Ya Mule Ya!

    Best way I've found of dealing with snow is to have someone else do it. That said, being of Scottish ancestry means that I am genetically predisposed to, er, frugality. I like the idea of an 8 foot blower behind a 100 HP tractor, and some of the farmers around here have some REAL big and...
  15. M

    Heading East! Ya Mule Ya!

    Rule number 1 of snowblowers: The wind is ALWAYS wrong Rule number 2 of snowblowers: There is ALWAYS something hidden under the snow that will break shear pins or bind it up solid Rule number 1 of snow plows: You never have the banks pushed back far enough Rule number 2 of snow plows...