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What House are you?


I Tried, It Broke
Premium Member
We're getting way too old to go getting all wound up any more, it just goes to create new wounds that seem to take too long to heal. :p
......Why the hell are wound and wound the same word? And how is anyone besides me suposed to know which order they're in? Now that wounds me and winds me up a little. :rolleyes:. ..... and yet it's not even windy.:eek: Yup, another hidden peave ....:rolleyes:
Anybody else hate the English language? ..... almost as dumb as having 5280 feet in a mile. :rolleyes:
The faith that he had had in English had had an affect on his life.


Ultra Member
I went to high school with two fellows right from China , both from wealthy families and very well educated, fluent in several languages and I can remember them saying that English was the hardest one to learn for the very reason Don highlights....many words spelled the same -pronounced the same but very different meanings


Ultra Member
It's not just that, try to spell the dammed word if you don't know how it's spellt. If you do not know the first 3 letters of the word, you may not even be able to find it in a dictionary. And don't get me going on spell check!
And the dam phone (who the hell figured out that spelling) FONE!!! The same person that did knife I guess. Adds words, check 3 times before sending.
Knight, night, nite. Gotta laugh, when not crying.


Ultra Member
It's not just that, try to spell the dammed word if you don't know how it's spellt. If you do not know the first 3 letters of the word, you may not even be able to find it in a dictionary. And don't get me going on spell check!
And the dam phone (who the hell figured out that spelling) FONE!!! The same person that did knife I guess. Adds words, check 3 times before sending.
Knight, night, nite. Gotta laugh, when not crying.
Yeah, English is a screwy language, as it has borrowed, stolen, or adapted words from almost every other, over the evolution of what it is today! Start adding in the effect over time of having immigrants adding their own twists and pronunciations, and it gets quite muddled up!

There are a couple guys on Youtube that go into some depth about the sound of the Languages as they have changed. One uses the name NativLang.

On your "Phone", it's at least a little more sensible when you understand that it is a contraction from "Telephone", much as say, a decal, that you would stick on a window or bumper, is shortened down from Decalcomania, and Fan (sports fan, not air blowing fan!) is shortened down from Fanatic.

Dig deep enough into the past history of the languages and how they were used, and it starts to become clear(er) how some of the weirder spellings hung on long after the pronounced words no longer reflected the letters used, as in your knife.

And remember, whenever anyone dumps on you for the misuse of grammar or spelling, just give them a sage nod, pat them on the back, and say "There, their, they're!"


Well-Known Member
View attachment 48907


(And, of course, the correct answer is Milwaukee!)
I’m going to ignore the conversation and respond to the original question:

I got started long ago so I have a collection of Craftsman C3 battery (upgraded to Lithium) & corded tools. To these I have added Bosch (battery & corded), a couple of Skil corded, and most recently Milwaukee M12. If I need a battery tool, I buy one for which I already have batteries.


Jack of all trades -- Master of none
Premium Member
Team orange here (Rigid). Going on 15 years now.

I was in Regina last fall and saw a rack that had packages of two 2ah 18V batteries for 29.99. I walked back to the Rigid section and they were there for too for over 130……. I walked back to the rack, picked one up and price checked it at the till, 29.99. I bought 5 packs (10 batteries ) and went home, registered them and retired the 4 batteries I had from the beginning. I don’t do much that needs 4+ah batteries so I’m pretty much committed to Rigid for a while

6.5 Fan

Ultra Member
Premium Member
I can't imagine how old that would be. I still get cranked up on a regular basis. There's just too much crap going on in this crazy world to be ignored.
I blow my temper on a regular basis, i think it helps blow out the build up in my arteries. The cows are a great help in that way. Either that or i'm going to have a massive heart attack out in the corral someday.


Ultra Member
Yeah, working with cattle could be frustrating, horses too, just cause you wanted something ,doesn't mean they did. One of the hard things dealing with kids on horses, was getting across, the horse would pick up how the kid was feeling and act the same and or worse. Dealing with the parents was often harder, an expensive horse did not mean a good horse, an older horse was often better, and CALMER. A"good" horse for kids and beginner riders was a horse that could be used for most anything. Hell, I seen horses that were scarred of cattle, could not be loaded, were only good for barrels or poles, or only the show ring.
Cattle, well once they were stirred up, every thing could go down the tubes. The old man was trying to load 1/2 a dozen dry cows one time, get a couple in the truck, they would turn and push the others back down the cute. After 4, 5 times, told him to just leave them a bit and I would load them. Was told they would dam well load as didn't have time for it. Told him, he would be doing by himself and left. He did not get them in the truck, but did get walked over by them all in the chute.
I learned some from old timer that worked for us, he most never got in a hurry, near always got the last piece of pie, winked at me while eating it, knew more about horses and cattle then most 3 or 4 people put together. Didn't worry if he forgot his teeth, said would just gum it till could be shallowed. Rode the tallest horse around, needed a stump or rock to get on or off, he was about 75 them days.
Sometimes cattle, horses, people all need a bit of time to see the way, weather, light, noise, excitement can make things go sideways, and knowing when to stop, slow down, change, is the hard/difficult part.
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Ultra Member
Since the topic has drifted to horses...

My daughter rode and jumped for several years. A horse might be fine with red flowers at a jump but if there were some yellow ones--we're not going anywhere near those! Thousands of years of being a prey animal have left deep instincts that different is BAD. They really have to trust their rider.

I miss those days. (The costs...not so much. OTOH, I'd do it all again.)



Ultra Member
A horse is a prey animal only to an point, I have seen them fight pretty dam good! One on one and cornered, wow! I have seen a very, very large black bear herded out of a field by 4 horses! These horses did not tolerate some things in their field, strange dogs, whatever. There would be a challenge issued by them and a line not to be crossed. Yes, some days, they were flight animals, some days, fight animals.
It was difficult to get people to understand, a windy day/nite can change a horse, their hearing and sight become overwhelmed, many things moving, lots of noise from the wind, things different, even lite patterns, a dark place they can't see into. Here comes the flight pattern.


Ultra Member
Premium Member
a windy day/nite can change a horse, their hearing and sight become overwhelmed, many things moving, lots of noise from the wind, things different, even lite patterns, a dark place they can't see into. Here comes the flight pattern.

Fear is primordial. Even predators have it.

I was out in the hills of the Kananaskis Valley on horseback with a few colleagues when some scent wafted across the trail. All the horses spooked but fear ruled for one of them and she bolted - downhill - at a full gallop. The rider was a very accomplished barrel racer. But all she could do was hang on for dear life.

Prolly wasn't the smartest thing I ever did, but I turned my gelding downhill after her. I found her someways down the mountain where she fell off and took a hoof to her chest. All I could do was load her up and take her back to the lodge to get taken out by chopper. She was off work for 6 months.

That horse prolly didn't even know what scared her, but she wasn't hanging around to find out. I think a scared horse is just as dangerous as an angry one.