You asked for a written explanation, they are in the 2 links I provided. Step away from the keyboard for a second and read one or both

So much typing, so little reading

No black magic involved in the design.
Sorry Gerrit. I was replying to Darren's post first, then I got some orders from my SWMBO.
I am not the sort who replies before reading what others provide. You took the time to write a reply, you didn't link me to YouTube, and you gave me some great info in your links. I appreciate the info you provided very much. I'm not gunna just throw that info to the wind. It is too bad that the boss lady got in the way of getting a timely reply to you. Or maybe it's too bad I didn't reply to your note before
@Darren s.
Regardless, I have reviewed both links to understand how that works, and I also read the references you provided for an ELS. I can see how that all works. My reference to black magic was a direct reply to
@Darren s comment calling it black magic.
I do love the ELS. Although, it's not likely going to be something I will actually do, it is something I appreciate knowing about. I spent a career designing and making things like that in the Auto industry. Now that I am retired and farming, I prefer to keep my finger on the pulse but put my energy into improving farm equipment. With a few exceptions (VFD system, DRO, Accessories, etc) my lathe and mill will still be mostly mechanical devices as they go to new homes after I pass on. That's not a indictment of how I feel about such things but rather a direct result of the priorities I choose as my life unfolds. I'd rather be making other things than automating my existing machines. That also applies to financial commitments. Nonetheless, my biggest priority of all is learning. The advancement of knowledge itself is one of my most important goals - it always was. And that's what drove me ask the questions.
A single tooth dog clutch certainly explains how that system maintains synchronization between the lead screw and spindle. But it doesn't explain how
@Darren s lathe works - unless of course it has an internal single tooth engagement system too.......
In the meantime, and at the risk of repetition, I am not complaining. I love my lathe and I love threading on it just the way it is. In fact, I even think that a system like you guys have might take some of the joy out of using it......
@thestelster, I'm not running out and buying a new Hardinge any day real soon!
Thank you so much for teaching me something new.