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Tool Spotting fake Mitutoyo calipers

Damnit you guys, stop with the ads already. Somebody just find the lowest price and do a large batch buy then send one to each of us with the appropriate discount. Now who do we appoint the group buyer?
We'll work @Susquatch over tomorrow for a dro for his lathe.....:cool:

He has a lathe without a DRO? pfffft

I know, right!

Yes, my lathe has no DRO.

Yes, my lathe needs a DRO.

I've been retired for 15 years and am almost done going broke spending all my RRSPs on farming. Fertilizer and chemicals went crazy this year. Nothing but worse on the horizon.

I'm too old to work for anybody else. I have a bad attitude, need a dental, eye, bone, diaper, and memory benefit program and don't get much done cuz I fall asleep too much.

So..... I think I'm gunna have to sell a gun to get the DRO for the lathe. I know that's really getting desperate but......

On the flip side, I've used a lathe for 40 years without one. I just didn't know what I was missing till I put a DRO on the mill.

I got the three main axis working on the mill and love it. But I stalled on the quill. I've spent the summer noodling it, and I think I finally have it figured out. But that's another thread coming soon.

Yes, the lathe is next. Prolly only a month (give or take a year or two) away.
That's definitely is NOT the case with my Mitutoyo copycat calipers.

Nor my old genuine mitutoyo. Another sign that the copy cats copied the old ones not the new ones. I solved that problem with a box of batteries.