I want to put my mill on a mobile base so I don't have to mess with the d@mn engine hoist if I want to move it a foot.
Thought maybe I'd build my own I started looking at casters and steel. Well that's just painful. $60/caster for ones rated for 300# each plus steel was going to put it north of $200.
Found this at Busy Bee, $140, says it's rated for 1300#. Surely that's enough for my mill.
@CalgaryPT I think you had one similar to this.
Thought maybe I'd build my own I started looking at casters and steel. Well that's just painful. $60/caster for ones rated for 300# each plus steel was going to put it north of $200.
Found this at Busy Bee, $140, says it's rated for 1300#. Surely that's enough for my mill.

Buy Shop Fox Mobile Base 1300lb Cap D2058a at Busy Bee Tools
D2058A Super Heavy Duty Mobile Base with 1300 lbs Capacity - ShopFox 18" x 24" to 28-1/2" x 33-1/2" The new & improved version of the classic Heavy Duty Shop Fox Mobile Base features overall better construction, new cast iron wheels and infinite adjustability within its range. Used for a stable...

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