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Shop Cleanout/Pairing Down


Premium Member
I talked with Dan from Goliath Tooling, http://goliathtoolingcanada.com/, this morning about the BA tooling.
The bells and whistle set of 0 to 8 taps and dies is $288 plus tax and shipping. I asked about pricing for individual taps and dies go as follows:
Taps Dies
#5 Taper $8.00 $16.50
Bottoming $8.00
#7 Taper $10.00 $16.50
Bottoming $10.00
#8 Taper $10 $16.50
The die holder was $7.00
Shipping (to Vancouver Island) $20 ish
So it would run me around $150 for the tools to do the Stuart 10 which for what could be a one off build is not going to happen.
@trlvn mentions thread engagement, the studs will be more than 4 threads deep and the nuts are normally only a couple of threads anyway.
Bottom line for me is that unless a smokin deal comes around on BA tooling I'll go with the standard sizes that I have in my tool box. I still have a bunch of small Allen nuts and bolts from my RC days that will work just fine. I'll just need to buy a couple of decent dies, the ones I have are crap.
Question - does BA nuts and bolt require special wrenches?


Ultra Member
Rdgtools in the uk carries BA taps
I think most of their stuff is sourced from India. I bought a gear cutter or two from them and they were fine, but I’ve only used them on aluminum.

At the time I ordered, their shipping was quite reasonable and faster than from the US!??


Ultra Member
Premium Member
Question - does BA nuts and bolt require special wrenches?[/QUOTE]

I think so.....I ran across something that mentioned spanner size for ba fasteners and it seemed to me they were oddball sizes also. However I have not verified that for sure yet! A small crescent wrench would work only if you can get in the tiny spots needed...unlikely I would think.


Super User
Hey guys..... glad everyone got the engines. DP, I am sorry that the drawings are so small and cluttered but with that said, that is how everything came from Stuart. Most of the guys on Youtube suggest doing as TinkerJohn and photocopy each segment and enlarge them. That should make everything much easier to work and read. As for the BA stuff, it is all pretty costly but the local hobby machinist group in your area will likely have a guy with tonnes of extras. Or, look at metric as an option. The purists will still have a heart attack, but it’ll be a survivable one. As for the next batch, it’ll be a buffet of Starrett. Hopefully it’ll be listed by Thursday. Too, the Stuart #8 is still available. If anyone is interested shoot me a PM and we’ll see if we can arrange a deal. Thanks to all who have “participated” so far...... Cheers,


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Premium Member
Rdgtools in the uk carries BA taps
Thanks for the lead Johnwa. They have a 0 to 8 set of taps and dies for about $100 which is about the best price I've seen for a set. I'm still waffling on whether or not to convert to standard threads or go with the supplied BA hardware.
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Ultra Member
Premium Member
Thanks for the lead Johnwa. They have a 0 to 8 set of taps and dies for about $100 which is about the best price I've seen for a set. I'm still waffling on whether or not to convert to standard threads or go with the supplied BA hardware.
There's a couple of sets from India on Amazon for $59 and $89. I'm thinking I might be willing to spend $59 but don't want junk......ha ha totally real expectations eh?....not willing to spend the bucks but still want quality! The key word in that phase is " want" not "expect" quality.