Sears Craftsman Shaper from lethbridge


ersatz engineer
I found a little 6" Simpsons Sears Shaper on Kijiji the other day and went on a road trip... it was a lot smaller than it looked and he said it was a 7"... Anyway we settled on 150, with a bunch of tooling.

--it only takes 1/4" HSS lathe bits, but they're on sale at Busy Bee right now. Once I start the rebuild I'll post some pictures.


ersatz engineer
So here's a picture on my dining room table... It needs a lot of cleaning and de-rusting. Most of the controls are frozen solid. I think I can make quite a usable little shaper out of it.


BTW for the current clapper box they have been running the motor backwards; so the slow stroke is on the pull but cuts on the faster push stroke! go figure...


You don't have any new pics of the shaper by chance? I have a love affair for shapers my wife would say, and I have never seen a Craftsman one before!


ersatz engineer
I should add that the project got put on long term hold, while I was getting the LeBlond and Hartford reassembled.