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RF30 Mill/Drill Surprises

Your rf30 is basically exactly like mine except nicer in almost every way.

I think I’ll take the route of selling it on kijiji under a fake name and burner account for top dollar so when @JustaDB posts it in the deals section and all you guys roast it for being overpriced and garbage it’s not immediately attributed to me.

Then sell it and buy a knee mill/square column.

All that being said great job on the RF30. I wish mine was nice like that.
Your rf30 is basically exactly like mine except nicer in almost every way.

I think I’ll take the route of selling it on kijiji under a fake name and burner account for top dollar so when @JustaDB posts it in the deals section and all you guys roast it for being overpriced and garbage it’s not immediately attributed to me.

Then sell it and buy a knee mill/square column.

All that being said great job on the RF30. I wish mine was nice like that.
That actually happened to me with the ct129 I sold. I just laughed at the Kijiji generals and sold it for every dollar I asked in a few weeks.
That actually happened to me with the ct129 I sold. I just laughed at the Kijiji generals and sold it for every dollar I asked in a few weeks.
Different market area, so the price might not be comparable, but I’ve just finished cleaning up my now surplus CT129 and listing it for sale. If you don’t mind saying, what did you get for your CT129?