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Hercus is already past my bid max of $1000. I expect it to be north of 2K or even 3k by close. Lol. I'll pass.
That hercus is a resto project and nowhere worth teh 2500+ fees.35 Min to go. Current bids
$2550 for the Hercus 260 lathe
$800 for the Kao Fong mill
$350 for the Rusnok mill
Lol, I snagged both sanders.Got Rusnok for 780 plus fees. Now I fix her up. Yes very expensive. More then I wanted to pay for sure. The other milling machine went for 1500 plus fees. It was too much for me as fixing it would cost some time and about 300 CAD. I stopped at 1200. Hercus went for way too much.
Wood equipment was not cheap - remember delta sanders are good but 1000 with fees is a whopping 1200 for used equipment.
Chinese multi purpose junk went for 975. Not only is it new for few hundred more it had issues. Certainly not worth the money. I checked it out.
Bandsaw that had a fight with forklift went for 290. That is 350 with fees (!). Its a tiny one. I can sell you mint 10 x 7 for just 900.
When compared to what other stuff went for I think Rusnok was the cheapest deal out there. I am turning into Rusnok dealer![]()