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Really this happens tomorrow


Ultra Member
Premium Member
We did 50 years a few years ago. So you two are at least 10 ahead of us. My sincere congrats and admiration.

We tried dining out on different days. I got a little tired of burying the guys who tried to come home with her. Then one day I accidentally dug one up digging a hole for another guy. So we don't do that anymore.

Tom O

Ultra Member
We did 50 years a few years ago. So you two are at least 10 ahead of us. My sincere congrats and admiration.

We tried dining out on different days. I got a little tired of burying the guys who tried to come home with her. Then one day I accidentally dug one up digging a hole for another guy. So we don't do that anymore.
Congratulations on your 65 years together!
I haven’t fought with mine for years, thank god for freezers!

Brian H

Super User
My wife and I have the secret to making a marriage last. Two times a week, we go to a nice restaurant and have a little wine and good food.
She goes Thursdays, I go Fridays.

Yes tomorrow we celebrate our 65th wedding anniversary. Just saying!
Congrats on reaching that milestone! We are working on 25 (2nd times the charm), I do know I can be right or happy...Happy is much easier...
Thanks for the chuckle, although I could have done without the pee....:rolleyes:
Congratulations, that is an incredible accomplishment and a true testament to the hard work and commitment the two of you invested in yourselves. ....... Being Thursday tomorrow, I hope they have something special on the menu for her.....:p

6.5 Fan

Ultra Member
Premium Member
Congrats to you and to your better half Bill, keep dining out and you will have many more. We made it to 45 years before my wife passed, would of been just over 50 this year.


Premium Member
Thanks for the chuckle, although I could have done without the pee....:rolleyes:
Congratulations, that is an incredible accomplishment and a true testament to the hard work and commitment the two of you invested in yourselves. ....... Being Thursday tomorrow, I hope they have something special on the menu for her.....:p

Our family will gather in Regina this coming Saturday for dinner, laughter and well deserved fun.

One day at a time, little for planning ahead me thinks.