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Brian H
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  • re: PDM-30 nut stripped; I bought a PDM30 from a fellow and indeed the nut AND the leadscrew are worn to the point of excessive play. Mind me asking where you bought your parts from? KMS sells the machine but gave me the 'after warranty period, its not our problem' speech and I've tried a few King Canada depots but the prices are crazy....$138 + shipping for the nut and another $342 for the lead screw...
    I didnt blame KMS for the quality/wear issue...I do take exception to their 'we wont help' in Calgary and have experienced on other items.
    FWIW - KMS has a repairs/parts department in Conquitlam - they ask the other stores to direct customer requests to them...but they admitted that Calgary store seems to not be aware/refrains from mentioning that is an option.
    Brian H
    Brian H
    I bought the nut from King, and yes, it was $140 ish bucks. The lead screw they sent me under warranty
    Brian H
    Brian H
    @Susquatch you are 100% correct on the ease of keeping that oiled properly (or lack there of). I have been trying to come up with a way to make/ install a tube somewhere so it will oil directly on either side of the leadscrew nut. Copper tubing and some ingenuity with the mounting...years of fixing old farm machinery might pay off yet...LOL
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