So it's been air drying in the basement for 2 weeks and I haven;t had enough time to cure it off until today. Couldn't find my infrared thermometer, so ramping up the heat the measured and scientific way wasn't possible, so I more or less winged the curing procedure, and heated it up slowly on and off over the course of about 3 hours, then and held it there for over an hour and a half. Everything went well, except the spot where I repaired by the back opening has cracked away from the main refractory. Oh well, TBH is looked like it had started to crack away even before I fired it. I don't think it'll be a problem area, but I'll address it later if it does.
First off a couple nights ago I welded up a new receiver stand to hold the forge. I'm going to change the way it's mounted to it, Right now it's just a short 2" square tube welded to the shell. It's a bit flimsy and as the blower assembly is too heavy and it leans to one side. It's not going to break, It just bothers me. I'm going to make a flat plate to bolt to the feet on the forge, with a thicker 2" tube section welded to the bottom of it. I also added the 2" ball valve I had to choke off the blower with a bit of my favourite Irish aluminum. What I difference it made. Very nice and controllable now. And the blower is way over powered IMO.
I might be able to get it to run a bit lower to more I get used to it, but this is it running down pretty low with the blower almost fully choked off. You can see the refractory by the back door cracked. The rest is solidly intact just fine though.
So after a while I had a little helper show up and want to forge something. She took the honors and struck the first hammer blow. This pic is after some drawing out already.
I helped her draw out a point, but she wanted to curl it all on her own. I helped a little bit, but honestly this was pretty much her all on her own. The curl that is, I drew it out for her.
Not bad for an 8 year old

. We watch a lot of blacksmithing videos together.....
She went back inside (it's cold out), and I had some fun with the other end of the bar. Drawing it out, and forging a knife blade shape on it. Nothing particular, just wanted to play around moving metal, as this is my first "real" forging attempt. Didn't take too long to draw it out to a nice tapered blade section. What I ended up with though (it's just mild steel after all), is a nice little fire rake, that will come in handy as I build a solid fuel forge next.
All in all a pretty fun afternoon. I think I'm going to enjoy my new hobby. It'll go nicely with all the others lol. I don't think my right arm is going to though....time to build a forging press.......
Now that it's "done" (90% anyway), I need to move on to some other projects for a while.