• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

Propane ribbon burner forge build

Dan Dubeau

Ultra Member
I'm not a huge fan of external hosting either, but I generally post the same pics/posts here as well as HSM so it's easier on my end. I lost a large amount of linked content during the photbucket fiasco too (and the imageshack one waaaay before that). You'd think I'd learn.... lol. One of these days I need to get off my butt and get my own website, and host my own images.

Thanks again for fixing my post.

Tom O

Ultra Member
Photobucket has been after me to sign up to keep the pics alive after so many warnings they finally sent me this hopefully final email.


Dan Dubeau

Ultra Member
I've been getting those inactive emails for over a year. A few months ago, I reset my password, and downloaded all my old pics from there. I thought I did it a while back, but did it again just to be sure. They can mark me inactive, or delete it now for all I care.

I hadn't been on the site in years since the fiasco, and it was a cool old trip down memory lane looking at a lot of old projects I'd kinda forgot about.

Tom O

Ultra Member
I hate the fact that any posts will no longer have the pics but I don’t agree with how they went about it and don’t have a problem posting them on any sites I still have any relevant pics anyways.

Dan Dubeau

Ultra Member
The whole way they handled the situation ruffled a lot of feathers around the internet. TBH I'm amazed they're still in business, as it seemed like business seppuko at the time. But in the grand scheme of things, I'd never paid for anything, and I'm only out the time and inconvenience of having to find new hosting site, and re linking my pics (I didn't do all of them). I know others that were really put out by it, and it cause them massive amounts of work. Plus all the dead links all around the forums for years is info we'll never get back. I likened it to the burning of the library of Alexandria at the time, but years later the world has moved on......with short memories too....