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Peavey Mart Closing

Do you gents remember around 1980 Peavey Mart started to sell Satellite dishes? Brought some real entertainment into a lot of rural homes.

I still have a few tools I bought from them back in the day. Time flys by.

Don't remember the Satellite dishes but where else could you go to buy a pair of insulated work overalls, a toque, a hammer, some nails, coffee and the coffee maker, canning supplies, electrical tape, a few light bulbs, dog food, toy truck, potting soil and price out a new gate for the corral while eating the free popcorn during Customer Appreciation Days?
Don't remember the Satellite dishes but where else could you go to buy a pair of insulated work overalls, a toque, a hammer, some nails, coffee and the coffee maker, canning supplies, electrical tape, a few light bulbs, dog food, toy truck, potting soil and price out a new gate for the corral while eating the free popcorn during Customer Appreciation Days?

Almost any farm supply place. You can even go in on Sunday, when they are closed, for fresh coffee and a friendly chat with other like-minded old guys.

Then again, Tractor Supply (TSC, Peavey Mart) has always been friendly to farmers.
Almost any farm supply place. You can even go in on Sunday, when they are closed, for fresh coffee and a friendly chat with other like-minded old guys.

Then again, Tractor Supply (TSC, Peavey Mart) has always been friendly to farmers.

Where I come from that's called a "break and enter".

What was stolen? Tube of Brylcreem and a couple pairs of suspenders?

Their warehouses apparently have more robots than humans.
I was part of their building construction and conveyor systems - etc etc here in Acheson Alberta
It was amusing watching them little robots collide into one another until the computer guy got those little guys squared way.
They are no more then 8 or 10 inches high and zip around at mach 10 picking up pallet sized square cubicles.
Its amazing to see.
I can elaborate if any one wants.
I suspect there will be sales and when the day comes the "resale vultures" will be camped out front prior to doors opening. Hopefully they will have limits on number of items per person.

I've never seen stores going out of business put limits on anything...why would they? They want everything gone as fast as possible for the most money possible. This is why they'll start at 30% (which is actually surprisingly high) and probably end up at 50% after a month or two when the good stuff is already picked over.
I've never seen stores going out of business put limits on anything...why would they? They want everything gone as fast as possible for the most money possible. This is why they'll start at 30% (which is actually surprisingly high) and probably end up at 50% after a month or two when the good stuff is already picked over.

So that I don't "accidentally" give a Dave Semenko elbow to the kisser of the guy who pushed me aside earlier as he was filling his cart with all the 50% off clamps.

But you are probably correct with the no limit.
Sad news indeed.
We just recently got a Peavey Mart (Salmon Arm, BC). It has been great to have one local. One of the last places you can go, v-belt in hand and compare it to the new ones hanging on the wall. Previously, it was a 60 mile trip to visit one.
Unfortunately, heard today that it’s closing.
It wasn't on the list that I read but it looks like the Peavy Mart here in Sault Saint Marie will be closing. Too bad I liked going there occasionally.
Peavey's in my buying zone in the west have been steadily re-building & expanding through the Dot-Com sales time frame I shop them a lot.
I guess an appropriate update is in order as the wife just informed me that yes they are all closing even the brand new 3 yr old "flagship" store in Red Deer...and i have no one but myself and millions of others like me that succumbed to the Amazon buying method, I was prob one of the last dinosaur's to make an on-line purchase but once I did...
I guess an appropriate update is in order as the wife just informed me that yes they are all closing even the brand new 3 yr old "flagship" store in Red Deer...and i have no one but myself and millions of others like me that succumbed to the Amazon buying method, I was prob one of the last dinosaur's to make an on-line purchase but once I did...

I think that's part of the reason.

On the other hand it was a store that sold a little of everything.

Maybe they would've done better in a small town but in larger cities I don't see how they could be competitive. Even without Amazon I would have likely gone somewhere else first for tools and materials.

Now, if I was looking for salt blocks or a submergible tank deicer then Peavey would likely be at the top of my list.
Now, if I was looking for salt blocks or a submergible tank deicer then Peavey would likely be at the top of my list.
..... except, in the Kamloops location where they were/are two doors down from Princess auto. I often walked through the store, but rarely found much that I hadn't already bought from Princess auto for cheaper.
I can certainly say in my case, they forced my online ordering hand by never actually having things I need in stock. I lost track of how many times I got burned driving over there to buy something off the shelf, A belt/bearing etc, only to find they didn't have any in stock. Even sometimes when the website said they did, or when a staff member assured me by phone they were physically looking at one in stock (gas bottles that turned out to be empty....). Sure it stings to lose ANY store that caters to things like this, but man, they sure weren't helping themselves at all. Around here anyway.

Doing some more timeline research, and the buyout from Peavey (in 2016 before the 2020 rebranding) coincides roughly with the downward slide of my two local stores. Looking back now, I mistakenly thought that TSC was sliding, and that Peavey buying them and rebranding the stores would save them. I didn't know Peavey already owned them for a few years prior to the rebrand, and were the ones holding the reins during the decline in quality.

You guys out west might have a different perspective on how they ran their stores out there, but I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks they did a terrible job here in Ontario. Still sucks to lose them though.
Well, I used to frequent the TSC in Peterborough before moving west. The first few years it was almost a go to, hardware was quick, easy and cheap by the pound, stock was good. The staff were friendly and service oriented. On the occasion they had no stock on an item, rain checks were issued and calls made when it came in.

After a few years though it started to slide. If I were to guess, it opened early 2000’s, and by ‘08-‘10 I rarely went there anymore. Stock was more missing than there, the staff had been transferred or quit, and prices weren’t competitive even locally.

Once I moved to Alberta the nearest one was an hour away, so other than the odd occasion, I didn’t go there either.

I did stop by the St Paul, AB store today on my way by. Bought a couple things I was wanting anyway, most stuff was still full price or 10% off, some as much as 30. Between low stock and people buying quantities (saw all the baler twine and pails of motor oil going on carts to a farmer while there) I don’t think there will be great deals to be had on what I would consider ‘good’ stuff.
I hate to see them go but for farm supply we have UFA stores and the Co-op, which probably helped kill them off. I would hit the sales though. 200- 5" Dewalt zip disks at .89 ea:)
Stopped in today. Parking lot was quite full. Inside the store was pretty tame. Some items were on sale. 10%, 20%, 25%, and 30% off on select merch. Picked-up a can of Fluid Film for what was already a low price plus 10%. Grabbed a few rolls of clear plastic tubing - 1/4", 3/8", and 1/2" with 10% off. Walked through the majority of the isles and that's all I could find worth finding.

Seen several people walk out the store without purchasing anything.

Would have liked to find some of those kits of screws with washers, nuts, etc. but didn't see any. Not a lot of smaller hardware left.

That will likely be the last time I walk through a Peavey Mart.