• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

New from Ontariariario



I’d like to thank @Janger and @PeterT for their extra efforts in getting me connected here. The site would not send a confirmation email to either address I tried to register with. Saw that there were a number of AB members and reached out to that community.

Finally back to metalworking after a prolonged absence. Primarily using a battered Taig microlathe and newer Taig benchtop mill, but I have some larger machines (and one smaller) in various states of (dis)repair. Trying to squeeze time in to make useful accessories, then tackle some small steam engine projects. Located just west of the GTA.

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Thank you all for your welcome. I'll be nosing through the various subjects in the forum for quite a while.

As I also dabble in woodworking, I usually try to attend the semi-annual "Tools of the Trades" show in Pickering, ON.
I've noted a variety of machinists' tools there during the last few; picked up a Mitutoyo height gauge at one.

There are always more projects to undertake than there are hours to spend. Consequently, my basement is in constant disarray.

Dan Dubeau

Ultra Member
Welcome from east of the GTA. I also like going to the tools of the trade show, and can actually make the one coming up after missing the last few. Usually always come away with something I didn't know I needed until I got there.


Ultra Member
Welcome from Oakville. Your list of machines is pretty interesting. Care to share any pictures of the less-common ones? Any stories to go with them?



Welcome from Oakville. Your list of machines is pretty interesting. Care to share any pictures of the less-common ones? Any stories to go with them?

I'd love to share pics but, as I noted, most of them are "started" projects that haven't yet been finished. This leaves them less than photogenic.
This means anything horizontal ended up as a place to put something "temporarily", and bits of some machines have migrated away from their proper places.
My reach exceeded my grasp when it came to tools. I do not have sufficient space and time to address the massive backlog/log jam I created.
I've been thinking about thinning the herd slightly, but even that would be a Herculean effort given current circumstances.
I'll try to find put together a couple of pics over the next week or so.
<edit>This "working for a living" thing really cuts into my tinkering time.</edit>
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Process Machinery Designer
Premium Member
Welcome Chris
Lots of experiences in this group.
There is getting to be quite a few members in the Kitchener area.
I visit Mississauga, Burlington and Woodstock a couple times a week, if you need something picked up at KBC or another machining vendor, let me know.


Ultra Member
Premium Member
Welcome from Ontario South of Chatham. Glad we got you going. There is still a lot of damage from the Christmas Crash.

Kudos to you for sticking with it. Stubbornness is an asset around here..... LOL!


Ultra Member
Premium Member
Welcome aboard. Great group here.

So just how far “west of the GTA”
If i moved a km west I'd out of the GTA and living in Hamilton. So maybe we’re almost neighbours. Come on over for a coffee!