Mini excavator needs new tracks


Active Member
It's going to be another day or two before the bearing and seals get here, but I got the one side on and all its rubber pads bolted on. Sadly, they don't clear the extra counterweight that is bolted to the bottom at the rear. I'm going to try removing that tomorrow and see what the clearance looks like. With the added weight of the steel tracks, I don't think I will need it. Famous last words, I am sure......:rolleyes:View attachment 39775

I have an IHI 12JX excavator that I have had for 10-12 years. It had extra weights on it when I got it and I saw no reason to remove them. Just in case it gives you some ideas. 20231106_101506.jpg

Well, looking at things closer, I am going to try and leave the counterweights, as they also provide protection for the engine and pumps.
About now, several of you are probably jumping up and down yelling "hey dumbass, if the two idlers have too tall of a rib, don't you think that the 12 rollers won't be the same?" In my defense, I clearly asked, and had the sales rep confirm with the manufacturer that there were no other changes required....
It won't help much with the clearance, but they will clear. Then I am going to deepen the slots that the top rollers sit in and I think that I will have enough clearance. Also, I have the sales rep looking at other types of pads, as some are thinner than others, and these seem to be the thickest available.
So, while he's working on his end, I am going to just run the steel for now, or at least once it's back together..... Still waiting for the parts that I had shipped "overnight airfreight" last week......:rolleyes: