I have two of the 70mm diameter bearings and one of the 62mm.
Would heating it at the bend be out of the question?
Different thing, taking the warps and bends out of a round shaft.
More or less the response I expected.I could care less about a video
Ok the mill is up and running now using a Teknic SDHP servo motor. It seems to be working ok. Only got it working yesterday. I am turning my attention to a bent X-axis lead screw. It turns fine, but the end is bent to the point where I don't think a power feed would be able to work on it. I tried jacking it up at the end, but the machine started lifting and wasn't enough force to bend it back. Would heating it at the bend be out of the question? Anyone had this problem? Thanks
about .130 over 4" starting at the step between the nonthreaded cylinder the bearing runs on and the much thinner part that goes to the handwheel. He has detailed instructions on straightening it in a bench vise, and how to check it on v blocks.Wait - only the end is bent? I have fixed a mill like that few years ago.
Also, you can check threaded rods available from US - you may get correct threaded rod you need to machine the ends of for say 300 - 400 CAD for both X and Y.