@YYCHobbyMachinist Thanks for thinking of that Craig.
I actually had another go at the pulley and bushing today.
I used the 4-jaw so I could dial the pulley in nice and true. I chucked it up, called upon Abom79, popped my indicator into the largest pulley groove and got it under a thou of runout in about two minutes.

Holy moly! The snout of the pulley was wobbling like a weeble! Somehow, I managed to bore the thing off-centre
I remeasured the bore depth and decided to go 3/8" deeper so I could get the pulley coplaner with the idler pulley.
Commence making horrible cast iron mess. I really hate machining cast iron.
Got it bored correctly this time. Time to make a new bushing.
Still using the 4-jaw I chuck up a length of stock. Dialed it in easy. I'm liking this chuck!
I didn't have to take much off the 1-1/8 aluminum to get a nice, slip fit in the pulley. I made sure to take light cuts to avoid heating up the aluminum and throwing off my test fits. A few passes and all done.
Time to bore. Worked my way up to the biggest bit I have, a 5/8' then back to the boring bar till I hit .0875 bang on.
I decided to not cut a key way. Instead I sawed a slot and then filed it to fit the key like a glove!
Fitted it up and gave it a test run. Smooth as butter, no wobble, no vibration!
Popped the belt on, and the only thing I can hear is horrible grinding from the idler puller.
Pull that off and discover that the bearings are completely toast. After only 30 years of service with likely zero maintenance.
So ordered new bearings. For reference there are two 47mm OD, 20mm ID X 14mm thick bearings.
Was a good way the end the day.
Thanks for reading!