Well said.
But I would easily forgive him if he was running full out saving somebody else's life or even running at zero hugging the kids he didn't have time to hug while saving @historicalarms life.
Just my two cents for whatever it's worth.
We all have our own "bedside manner" right ?
It is worth noting the criticism though and looking inward at the chances we each have in our own little "less important worlds" to perhaps take the time to recognize that basic civility and basic exhibiting of compassion and respect for someone undergoing some kind of trauma is a fundamental societal underpinning that keeps things well-oiled, just like our machinery. Just as we shouldn't let our hearts bleed for every situation and person outside of our own sphere of control, allowing our hearts to harden up to the point of demonstrable indifference (or worse) is equally wrong - no ?
Glad to hear you got what you needed and the system isn't all totally broken down. My mom had a very similar situation in November out in Vancouver (short notice surgery on something that was long overdue but was desperately needed... however, with that said some proper planning and reasonable measure of pre-prep would have been ideal. We are in times now though that are very far from ideal, and likely some guy needing a knee transplant didn't get the call because the pros deemed your situation more critical.
That doctor would probably have been right there for you, as you say, had there been complications. There wasn't, so he didn't need to be a further hero (although he is for what he did do successfully), and then he just didn't spike the ball by being well-rounded on the bedside manner front afterwards. Probably 2-3 minutes with you would have made all the difference...
further edit comment: Dusty's post came in while I was typing mine -Voila !
Well said.
But I would easily forgive him if he was running full out saving somebody else's life or even running at zero hugging the kids he didn't have time to hug while saving @historicalarms life.
Just my two cents for whatever it's worth.