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Is it another technology? Yes? Good!


Technologist at Large
Premium Member
Hi from Victoria, BC.
I've stumbled into machining recently, from a background that includes cabinet making, blacksmithing, weaving, and a career in computer science/engineering.
Seem that if it's technology it interests me.
I just got my first lathe as a byproduct of wanting to drill out and machine late-17thC lock-and-key reproductions, which I'm *really bad* at, but I'm having a blast!
I'm hoping that I'll be able to make a thing soon, rather than just more lathe accessories, but let's not get ahead of ourselves!
Welcome from Oakville, ON. That's two blacksmiths this week!?! I hope you're not going to be 'upsetting' the rest of us with your jargon!

Hi from Victoria, BC.
I've stumbled into machining recently, from a background that includes cabinet making, blacksmithing, weaving, and a career in computer science/engineering.
Seem that if it's technology it interests me.
I just got my first lathe as a byproduct of wanting to drill out and machine late-17thC lock-and-key reproductions, which I'm *really bad* at, but I'm having a blast!
I'm hoping that I'll be able to make a thing soon, rather than just more lathe accessories, but let's not get ahead of ourselves!
Tools for tools! As usual. :);)
Hi from Victoria, BC.
I've stumbled into machining recently, from a background that includes cabinet making, blacksmithing, weaving, and a career in computer science/engineering.
Seem that if it's technology it interests me.
I just got my first lathe as a byproduct of wanting to drill out and machine late-17thC lock-and-key reproductions, which I'm *really bad* at, but I'm having a blast!
I'm hoping that I'll be able to make a thing soon, rather than just more lathe accessories, but let's not get ahead of ourselves!
Welcome from just down the street! Well maybe depending on where you live in Victoria :)
I think everything in Victoria is effectively just down the street. Including the tool shops...
Welcome here, cool that you do weaving too. My Mom is part of her local weaving guild and I made her a couple shuttles from wood and metal a couple years ago. There is a LOT to weaving, looks interesting but I've already fallen down a couple rabbit holes and lack the time for another one, lol!
Welcome here, cool that you do weaving too. My Mom is part of her local weaving guild and I made her a couple shuttles from wood and metal a couple years ago. There is a LOT to weaving, looks interesting but I've already fallen down a couple rabbit holes and lack the time for another one, lol!
It's certainly a rabbit hole. My wife is the patient one who can set up a wide warp and throw the shuttle for hours. I'm the technical one who does setup and debugging, with the occasional bit of loom- making though they are generally nasty jobs with insufficiently precise parts. I suspect being able to turn wheels and shafts and such might improve these efforts.