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Shop If I had a million+ dollars, I'd build a...



Scrap maker
Premium Member
Thought I'd start a new thread to collect all of the "I wish I had a bigger shop from the Logan thread"
Any more projects and my next project will be moving to place where I can build a bigger shop.
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Scrap maker
Premium Member
Perfect, concrete pad, 2x 20ft seacans spaced 15ft a part a roof to connect them, no one will notice.
I have an oft-repeated story about building an out building at my last house.
My hope was for a 12'x16' or 192 sq ft shop. Took my drawings to the planning dept. Was told that I need full architectural drawings to get a permit.
So I went home wondering what to do. So I looked at the bylaws and saw I was allowed any number of outbuildings under 100 sq ft each.
So I built two 8'x12' sheds. Right next to each other. Even put strips of sheathing down the 2x4's where they met. Proper setbacks, the whole nine yards.
Finished it up nice and proper. Sold the house and no one ever asked about a permit.


Ultra Member
Premium Member
I have an oft-repeated story about building an out building at my last house.
My hope was for a 12'x16' or 192 sq ft shop. Took my drawings to the planning dept. Was told that I need full architectural drawings to get a permit.
So I went home wondering what to do. So I looked at the bylaws and saw I was allowed any number of outbuildings under 100 sq ft each.
So I built two 8'x12' sheds. Right next to each other. Even put strips of sheathing down the 2x4's where they met. Proper setbacks, the whole nine yards.
Finished it up nice and proper. Sold the house and no one ever asked about a permit.

I'm not sending you an aerial view of my place. You will never talk to me again.

Farms are wonderful places. Special permits for farm buildings with less strict requirements, lots of acreage to build whatever you want, and lower taxes. A small farm is similar priced to a home in the city. Rent or share-crop the land out if you don't want to farm it. Nobody ever hears my wife calling me an idiot despite yelling it out at the top of her lungs every 5 minutes.

Never understood why people like to live in cities.

The worst problem is trapping and returning all the skunks and racoons back to the city folks who keep bringing them out to the country.


Premium Member
I have lots of space and can even subdivide but I'm not sure I want to spend the money (or even know what it would cost) for a larger shop. At the moment up to the middle of the road is ours. There is a house with a closed in carport under the trees.

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Scrap maker
Premium Member
I could build toward the street another 10 feet or so which would give me another 200 or so sq ft.
Basically 1/3 as much room as I have now.
The garage has a flat roof and I’ve shelved the idea of going up because I’d have to run a new home power run to the house. That’s $5000+ touch and BC Hydro is not confident that they can gain the required roof to line clearance. And it doesn’t give me any more floor space.
Of course the less expensive option is an outside shelter for the motorcycle.
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Premium Member
This is what I'd like to build on the 'back 40'. I wouldn't have to go through the expense of subdividing and as a 700 sq ft 'carriage house' would give me a decent garage and office space upstairs. But likely the price tag is $100K? Other than the entry in the middle the two garages connect so it's a really large shop area. Put electronics stuff upstairs.



Ultra Member
Premium Member
This is a horrible hobby if you are tight on space, and even worse if you have lots of space!

That is the funniest thing I've heard all week Darren! I'm pretty sure I'll be laughing all next week at that one!


Ultra Member
Premium Member
This is what I'd like to build on the 'back 40'. I wouldn't have to go through the expense of subdividing and as a 700 sq ft 'carriage house' would give me a decent garage and office space upstairs. But likely the price tag is $100K? Other than the entry in the middle the two garages connect so it's a really large shop area. Put electronics stuff upstairs.

View attachment 25064

I'm speechless......

I'd never go home.


Scrap maker
Premium Member
So in my dreams we live somewhere up the Saanich Pennisula on an acre or more.
A shop of maybe 40' x 40' would do me fine. I'd dedicate part of it to woodworking and part of it to metal work with room to work on vehicles. And maybe an office.
Heated floor, 12 ft ceiling to be sure.

combustable herbage

Ultra Member
Premium Member
Buildings and tools are important in the dream but in my opinion a good assistant is key this is where I would start.
Let the sparks fly!!



Premium Member
Um...In Victoria? Some how I don't think so. Generally a dozen feet or more inward from the edge of the pavement is owned by the municipality. If it's really yours, Quick! Build a toll booth! You'll at least get the traffic going in one direction!
Up to the section line which is down the middle of the road. Neighbor across also has his corner up to the section line. We could effectively block the entire street. Not a good idea...


Super User
Hopefully in the coming years I'm hoping to build a ~15x30ft workshop in the backyard. I could stretch it to 40ft on the long side but don't want to sacrafice a deck space either. The problem is the house is built so close to the property line/fence with less than 36" of clearance. I think the smallest escabator is 36" and can barely fit.
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Technologist at Large
Premium Member
Up to the section line which is down the middle of the road. Neighbor across also has his corner up to the section line. We could effectively block the entire street. Not a good idea...
60 minutes out of town, though admittedly 20 of that on a boat, I just finished a 24'x42' steel frame building. It's doable. But there are *costs*.