Yes farmed a bit on my own on the side but work on a farm full time, mostly hay with some cash crop and cow/calf. Near burlington/hamilton areaAnother farmer ? Welcome . . .
I grew up outside Bayfield, Ontario (South of Goderich) on a beef and cash crop farm.
Machinery building and developing processes have been my 40 year career.
Married and moved to Kitchener 20 years ago.
Where are you located ?
Hi @farmer888 give me a PM with your number and I'll call you, we can talk about what I have. Just tried PM'ing you, think you need a few more posts before its available for you.Welcome to CHMWs.
I know of a member who has a Lathe for sale (12 x 24” - I think).
He is in Brampton and I talk to him often.
I will see if he can send the specs to me.