Is my order of operations ok or should I reconsider the order I did things? I am wondering if drilling the hinge pin hole first might increase it's accuracy? I am hopeful that making a fixture to hold it, similar to the other one I made, will help increase accuracy. When the hinge is closed and the two pieces are parallel they should have a gap of .010". Mine is about .020", I would like to tighten that up to .010"-015". If I can move the hole down, as viewed in the photo, by .005" on both pieces I thing this will solve my problem. Unfortunately the way I did it resulted in the holes being not quite identical in the two pieces. I am just not sure of the best way to solve that. Should I drill it when it is still a rectangular cube so I can clamp it easily in the vise or make a fixture similar to to the last on and hold that in the vise? I am assuming I will gain a bit better repeatability with the fixture by only having to edge find once and not on each piece? Hopefully reducing errors.