That makes sense. Adding the ish led me to read it as one or the other not combined to be 12 x 30. I agree with your take on it.
Ya, Canadians are notoriously metrologically bilingual. I'm prolly as bad as the worst of them. I was born and educated in imperial. So that's my native tongue. I still can't think in metric. I think in imperial. But I freely translate back N forth from one dialect to the other.
I enjoy the Metric - Imperial banter I see on various UTube channels . . . I once saw a metric numeral STATED in "Farthings" which IIRC, is a Sixth of one mile (???) for Horse Racing.... it was like this:
2.35mm OR 0.0000000013 FARTHINGS, (I created that Farthing Number, for analogy) . . .
There are a "few" Super Machinists who banter thata way , and a few who are used as a "friendly Pick on them", Stephen in Germany is one who is spoken of as he ACTUALLY works metrics to 0.000X mm, but he is a VERY ADVANCED MACHINIST.
Still when a person in New Zealand, speaks of "Stephen", everyone Knows who they are refering to. Stephen also uses Imperial when needed BUT I think for his work he is out to Hundred Thousandths ! ! ! REALLY!
me, I can do repeated BRASS to 1/2 a thou, 0.0005 inches with my TAIG.
That is 1/20 the thickness of a Frog's EYE LASH . . .
philip, from the Great Pacific NorthWET, Oregon Division, USA