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Had a visitor today

Cute little rascals. I'll trade you for the early AM racoon that was in the dogs food bin.
Well it seems they left it could be because next door has a firepit and are a little loud on the weekends. I’ve still been leaving water and a bit of food that disappears during the night I just hope I’m not feeding a skunk or the neighbours cat!
A couple of foxes around are ok, they are good mousers. We get coyotes all the time. Mangy critters, bring out the 204. Had to give a skunk a loaded up egg this summer, never saw him again.
A couple of foxes around are ok, they are good mousers. We get coyotes all the time. Mangy critters, bring out the 204. Had to give a skunk a loaded up egg this summer, never saw him again.

"a loaded up egg" :confused:
Well it seems they left it could be because next door has a firepit and are a little loud on the weekends. I’ve still been leaving water and a bit of food that disappears during the night I just hope I’m not feeding a skunk or the neighbours cat!
Did you know that coons really like cats? They've been known to desiccated farm cat populations.
You inject a little liquid strychnine into an egg. Requires a fine needle and the poison both of which i have. I obtained a large supply of strychnine a few years back when the RM was handing out gopher poison. Place the egg under the building that the skunk is taking up residence under. Make damn sure the dog can't get at it.
Makes me miss sask, hearing [mention]6.5 Fan [/mention] call it rm.

Out hear it is md

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Make that about 100 ways I know to “decimate” a skunk

Thanks [mention]6.5 Fan [/mention]

Fishing rod, braided line and sardines.......(allegedly)

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You guys will soon have possum too. Never saw one around here till around 1985 or so. Caught my first one in a live trap that year. Then started seeing road kills. Today there are millions of them.

I love foxes. But the only good racoon is a dead one. I've never seen them go after a cat. I'm guessing it's a disease they carry. Two years ago we had well over 50 die on the farm here - some with help but most of them from racoon distemper which my vet told me was contagious to dogs and cats.
Well it’s official it’s not a skunk!
I have one little buddy left!
Tonight we are having bacon bits with a plumb for dessert. :rolleyes: