@gerritv @PeterT - I am aware that the collets can't be expanded - only tightened, and that they can accomodate a range. But I appreciate your input anyway. You don't know what I know or what I don't know - so better safe than sorry.
I want to believe that you are right that metric collets really are metric, and that Imperial Collets really are Imperial. But the more I look the more I find evidence to the contrary. It makes me nervous.
For example, I looked a little closer at the little machine shop collets. Contrary to my first assumption, it turns out that they are actually metric with Imperial markings. Not imperial with metric. Go figure!
Believe it or not, I actually think getting a true metric collet is more likely on Ali just because they are much more likely to make the mistake (if it is a mistake. Wierd trying to think like them. LOL)
My take away from this little exercise is: If you are buying ER Collets, make sure you are really getting what you think you are getting, or at least make sure that you will be happy either way - which is of course entirely possible.
I'm actually finished the job that I needed a metric 7mm collet for. Since it was in range and since it just felt bad but was really ok, I just ignored my concerns and cranked the collet down. So there is no rush anymore at all.
Right now, my plan is to buy a few selected metric collets (only as required) from someplace like Amazon or my local jobber so they can be returned if they are not really the true metric ones I want.