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Favourite Youtube Channels


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Can't speak for others but in my case I honestly haven't come across too many women with channels—although I have not specifically looked. A quick Google search reveals that only 1.6% of workers in the Ironworker's field, 8.5% in the machinist's field and 4.5% in the welding field are women. In the construction trade it is closer to 10% however—which is why I possibly came across a channel years ago of a female carpenter I like. It's called "See Jane Drill": https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCraGaDLfWec67xl9FEPndtw

From an adult education perspective I find women make better DIY videos many times. It just seems they make fewer assumptions about knowledge than men do. Just pecking through the channel you suggested I see the same quality to them, which I like. Not to go Jordan Peterson on the thread, but I believe genders self-select in many trades.

I think I'll go rewatch Flashdance now.
Can't speak for others but in my case I honestly haven't come across too many women with channels—although I have not specifically looked. A quick Google search reveals that only 1.6% of workers in the Ironworker's field, 8.5% in the machinist's field and 4.5% in the welding field are women. In the construction trade it is closer to 10% however—which is why I possibly came across a channel years ago of a female carpenter I like. It's called "See Jane Drill": https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCraGaDLfWec67xl9FEPndtw

From an adult education perspective I find women make better DIY videos many times. It just seems they make fewer assumptions about knowledge than men do. Just pecking through the channel you suggested I see the same quality to them, which I like. Not to go Jordan Peterson on the thread, but I believe genders self-select in many trades.

I think I'll go rewatch Flashdance now.

Despite all the gender equality talk over the last few decades in North America it still seems rare to see women crossing over into traditionally male dominated fields. I have also come across the "See Jane drill" channel and also thought it was excellent. Another great DIY female Youtuber is April Wilkinson. I've always had the impression that women in general make better communicators than men and I have a theory about the psychology of why that happens but that would be way beyond the scope of a machinists forum!

Quinn Dunki is a fascinating lady. Apparently she is a computer programmer by profession, used to work on race cars, and machining is her hobby.

combustable herbage

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I enjoy Blondiehacks as well, I admit I watched a number of videos before I even realized it was a woman doing the videos, as my interest was in the great content of the videos not who was doing it. Her videos are real mistakes and all and she would rather work on the projects and make the videos than debate/defend her way of doing things from the keyboard warriors out there.

Is there a gender bias here? I haven't seen in this list one of my fav channels, "Blondiehacks" by Quinn Dunki. In my opinion she does superb entry hobby level machinist videos. Strikes me as a genius and I love to see that in either gender!


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Still recall the tragedy of Jessi Combs, former MythBuster who was a great fabricator and weldor, but died after setting a woman's land speed record a few years ago. Loved the way the guys showed her no respect at first—then they found out she knew more about cars they they ever would, and could TIG well enough to embarrass them out of garage. RIP.


Active Member
At one of our meetups, some of us were talking about Youtube Channels, and a couple wanted to find out my favourites. I have been meaning to post something on this for a while. My apologies if this is "old hat" to most.

In the meantime, there's been a bunch of great suggestions buried all over this forum. Perhaps we might add some of our favourites here as a kind of a 'youtube channel swap'. Recently I had to revamp all my browser links, and review all my stored videos. I've been following over 70 channels over the years, and here are a few of my most anticipated creators, with a short commentary:

oxtool - Tom Lipton is a must-see. One of the very best and great learning on his channel.
Stefan Gotteswinter - This guy is just unbelievable. Every project is clearly explained.
Clickspring - Even if clockmaking isn't your thing, he covers a lot of tools and techniques like no other. Fantastic craftsman.
Keith Fenner - He was one of the first. From straightening shafts to welding cast iron to machining things right, he's got it.
ROBRENZ - He doesn't post as much as the above, but what he does is always well done and highly skilled.
Joe Pieczynski - Very talented machinist/designer. Unique techniques. A tiny bit abrasive, but great info.
Build Something Cool - Offbeat, very intelligent, good techniques, great projects.
This Old Tony - Very Funny. Accessible techniques. Ofte a simpler or better solution to problems than other channels.
weldingtipsandtricks - There isn't anything this guy doesn't know about welding. period.

Former teachers teaching on youtube; I love these guys. From basic to advanced they do it all (but a bit dry at times):

THATLAZYMACHINIST - A Canadian Shop teacher, His basic techniques are logically presented. (I watch him speeded up)
mrpete222 - He may be the grandaddy of all youtube machinist creators. I love his style and content.

-- There's got to be 200 more. Most of you already follow one or more of these guys. Anyone want to add more favourites to the list?
To me BLONDIHACKS is a must. Nice, thorough presentations, very knowledgeable and she addresses any mistakes she makes (as we all do) rather than trying to hide them or do a reshoot. Can’t watch anything she does without learning. And she’s a Canadian to boot.


Ultra Member
Really? Inheritance Machining? Yuuuck!

I hate that channel so much that I actually added them to my do not suggest list.
I don't think you are his target audience so I'm not surprised you really don't like the channel ;). You've expressed general dislike for youtube videos in general, so I can understand why you don't like a channel that is mostly a vehicle for manual machining porn LOL.

I personally am a bit mixed about his channel. I think he is a great videographer and makes visually appealing videos, but substance wise, he feels like a cheap knock-off of TOT and his narration is pretty bland and expressionless so his humour doesn't land for me. I do appreciate that he tries new things though, I always like seeing weird and out of the box thinking for work holding setups for inspiration in my own projects. I usually watch his videos by rapidly pressing the [advance 5 seconds] key on my keyboard.


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I usually watch his videos by rapidly pressing the [advance 5 seconds] key on my keyboard.

Dabbler suggested fast play to me a long time ago. The problem with fast forward, fast play, skip, and others is my ultra slow rural internet. YouTube usually locks up when I try that. I have a feeling that I'd love fast play if I could get it to work.

What is the advance 5 seconds key? I'd like to try it.

Ya, I'm definitely not his audience. I almost got hives watching the first few seconds of whatever one it was I saw. Then my computer latched onto the channel and kept ramming more of it down my throat. I got pissed and added him to my ignore list. If I made a list of youtube channels I liked, that one would be at the very bottom.

I think Blondihacks would be at the top. I like her project oriented style, her factual approach, and her open attitude. I also like that she doesn't waste my time with a lot of fill. That's not to say that I watch all of her videos, but I've watched more of hers than anyone else's. That's saying something right there.

To pick two others, Gottswinter & Joe Pie are both ok, and have some great information but it's hard to extract it and they both have their respective weaknesses too. A little too much attitude for my likes and they both take waaaaay too long to get to the point.

I LOVE GOOD HUMOUR. But I, don't want to be entertained on YouTube, I want to learn something. And I don't find the majority of youtube humour funny. I think if @140mower or @DPittman did videos, I'd watch just for the laughs. In fact, a lot of the forum members make me laugh - sometimes to the point of tears. I don't remember ever laughing out loud at anything on YouTube.

Personally, I get WAAAAY more value out of member suggestions or explanations than YouTube. The combined expertise and knowledge of our members is nothing less than amazing. Best of all, I can ask questions, get answers, and debate the pros and cons of alternatives. Try that on YouTube!
Dabbler suggested fast play to me a long time ago. The problem with fast forward, fast play, skip, and others is my ultra slow rural internet. YouTube usually locks up when I try that. I have a feeling that I'd love fast play if I could get it to work.

What is the advance 5 seconds key? I'd like to try it.

Ya, I'm definitely not his audience. I almost got hives watching the first few seconds of whatever one it was I saw. Then my computer latched onto the channel and kept ramming more of it down my throat. I got pissed and added him to my ignore list. If I made a list of youtube channels I liked, that one would be at the very bottom.

I think Blondihacks would be at the top. I like her project oriented style, her factual approach, and her open attitude. I also like that she doesn't waste my time with a lot of fill. That's not to say that I watch all of her videos, but I've watched more of hers than anyone else's. That's saying something right there.

To pick two others, Gottswinter & Joe Pie are both ok, and have some great information but it's hard to extract it and they both have their respective weaknesses too. A little too much attitude for my likes and they both take waaaaay too long to get to the point.

I LOVE GOOD HUMOUR. But I, don't want to be entertained on YouTube, I want to learn something. And I don't find the majority of youtube humour funny. I think if @140mower or @DPittman did videos, I'd watch just for the laughs. In fact, a lot of the forum members make me laugh - sometimes to the point of tears. I don't remember ever laughing out loud at anything on YouTube.

Personally, I get WAAAAY more value out of member suggestions or explanations than YouTube. The combined expertise and knowledge of our members is nothing less than amazing. Best of all, I can ask questions, get answers, and debate the pros and cons of alternatives. Try that on YouTube!
If this one doesn't get a chuckle, I am going to be at a dead loss.......;)


Ultra Member
Premium Member
If this one doesn't get a chuckle, I am going to be at a dead loss.......;)

Ya gotta be kidding..... Was that for real?

Ya, made me laugh. I'm still laughing. Even if it's not for real, it's still funny to think about. Bad enough to be gagging over a rotting carcass without getting covered by pieces of it.
Ya gotta be kidding..... Was that for real?

Ya, made me laugh. I'm still laughing. Even if it's not for real, it's still funny to think about. Bad enough to be gagging over a rotting carcass without getting covered by pieces of it.
Yes, it was real...... Real messy too. Lol
I can't even watch it anymore, my stomach starts hurting and my eyes start watering just thinking about it, the narrative just busts me up......


Ultra Member
What is the advance 5 seconds key? I'd like to try it.
If you are on a desktop, make sure the video screen is the most recently clicked thing (as opposed to the volume adjust slider or something else etc.) and just press the right arrow key.

If you are on an ipad or iphone, I think you can double tap on the right side of the screen to advance 10 seconds, or tap once to bring up the video progress bar and there might be a +10 or +15 second advance button. If you've updated to the newer iOS, I think they got rid of the discrete time jumps but you can instead swipe to the left or right while the video is playing and advance pretty quickly. Not sure about android devices.
Really? Inheritance Machining? Yuuuck!

I hate that channel so much that I actually added them to my do not suggest list.
Well I love his shop and his ability to use all the tools in it. Its something I aspire to. Wish I was as young as he is tho. At my age I've probably run out of time to complete the journey but I've come a long way and am still enjoying it.


Ultra Member
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Well I love his shop and his ability to use all the tools in it. Its something I aspire to. Wish I was as young as he is tho. At my age I've probably run out of time to complete the journey but I've come a long way and am still enjoying it.

It's a good thing that there are different things for different folks. Our differences are what makes us strong. I'll try to think more kindly of the channel next time I see it knowing that you like it. You can laugh knowing I'd be cursing!

We all complete the journey my friend. Enjoy the trip no matter what.


Ultra Member
Is there a gender bias here? I haven't seen in this list one of my fav channels, "Blondiehacks" by Quinn Dunki. In my opinion she does superb entry hobby level machinist videos. Strikes me as a genius and I love to see that in either gender!
Quinn is easy to watch, uses tools that are affordable and attainable, and does a nice job of explaining and demonstrating what she is doing.

Apparently living in Canada these days, after moving North out of the silicon Valley area of California. She's pretty tight lipped about where she is, but from some of the tractor show contens she has posted, i figure southern Onterrible.... :p


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She's pretty tight lipped about where she is, but from some of the tractor show contens she has posted, i figure southern Onterrible.... :p

She attended a show in Alberta a while back.