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Favourite Youtube Channels


ersatz engineer
At one of our meetups, some of us were talking about Youtube Channels, and a couple wanted to find out my favourites. I have been meaning to post something on this for a while. My apologies if this is "old hat" to most.

In the meantime, there's been a bunch of great suggestions buried all over this forum. Perhaps we might add some of our favourites here as a kind of a 'youtube channel swap'. Recently I had to revamp all my browser links, and review all my stored videos. I've been following over 70 channels over the years, and here are a few of my most anticipated creators, with a short commentary:

oxtool - Tom Lipton is a must-see. One of the very best and great learning on his channel.
Stefan Gotteswinter - This guy is just unbelievable. Every project is clearly explained.
Clickspring - Even if clockmaking isn't your thing, he covers a lot of tools and techniques like no other. Fantastic craftsman.
Keith Fenner - He was one of the first. From straightening shafts to welding cast iron to machining things right, he's got it.
ROBRENZ - He doesn't post as much as the above, but what he does is always well done and highly skilled.
Joe Pieczynski - Very talented machinist/designer. Unique techniques. A tiny bit abrasive, but great info.
Build Something Cool - Offbeat, very intelligent, good techniques, great projects.
This Old Tony - Very Funny. Accessible techniques. Ofte a simpler or better solution to problems than other channels.
weldingtipsandtricks - There isn't anything this guy doesn't know about welding. period.

Former teachers teaching on youtube; I love these guys. From basic to advanced they do it all (but a bit dry at times):

THATLAZYMACHINIST - A Canadian Shop teacher, His basic techniques are logically presented. (I watch him speeded up)
mrpete222 - He may be the grandaddy of all youtube machinist creators. I love his style and content.

-- There's got to be 200 more. Most of you already follow one or more of these guys. Anyone want to add more favourites to the list?


Ultra Member
Premium Member
You have several of my fav's. Some others to add

ABOM79 various machining, especially if you like bigger scale stuff

BASEMENTSHOPGUY kind of gone quiet lately but some nice older gen machines rebuilds / refurbs

STEVE JORDAN hobby machinist type, soft spot for mods & Asian sourced gadgets

6061.com - mostly aluminum TIG welding projects

WELD.COM general welding

NEO7CNC - cnc router stuff
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ersatz engineer
You have some of my other channels, too! I'll be looking up Steve Jordan - he is new to me.


Ultra Member
Premium Member
Here're mine:

ChuckE2009 - Farmboy meets weldor meets fabricator meets small business owner. Lots of great tool tips.

Build Something Cool - hints and tips, machining, misc stuff like moving heavy things, etc.

DonyBoy - mostly small engine repair but good tips and tricks and tools we should all know about

John Harmond - when I had a CNC I followed this guy. He also has a lot of tool tricks.

Mitchell Dillman - personally I think this guy is a character, but he mixes metalworking with log furniture building and makes some cool stuff, much of it from reclaimed metal and fire damaged trees. Lots of tool reviews and tips too.

SV Seeker - My favourite. I want to be this guy in my next life. He wins the award for independence/stubbornness. He's building a 100 foot steel boat in his backyard in Tulsa, OK., and then sailing it out to the Gulf of Mexico. (Tulsa is the furtherest inland port in the USA). Welding, machining, electronics, casting, sandblasting, 3D printing, CNC--he does it all. Best of all he's a cheapskate, so finds ways to make it work using cast away parts and metal. He has people come from around the world to help, including engineers, riggers, millwrights, ship builders, artists, etc. He's actually a Data Base Analyst in past life, but has taught himself everything. Pretty impressive. I've never felt motivated to travel to Tulsa, but I almost want to do it just to say I was part of this guy's build. Be forewarned though -- he's a proud OSHA violator.

Bruce Gray - metal artist

Kevin Caron - metal artist

Paul & Kathy Short - a little bit of everything from a guy that has the dream shop and skills we all wish we had. This guy adapts a lot of PA stuff as well, and always has great tips.

FabForum - feathering the "It's Friday Fool - You Need This Tool!" guy. Cool personality, great teaching style.

WeldingTipsandTricks - the essential guide for weldors.
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Super User
Hey everyone, just out of curiosity are the meetups usually in Calgary or are there Northern Alberta meetups near Edmonton at all? Not trying to butt in on a previously started conversation but hoped to contribute. You guys pretty much hit my "subscribed to" list, with the following to add:

He's an auto mechanic from Newcastle-on-Tyne in England, and a huge inspiration for me and my channel as he's an auto mechanic too. Machining, casting, welding, steam engines, you name it. My favorite channel, and I look forward to Sunday Night Night Cap every week.

Engineer BrunS
Russian mechanical engineer who started screwing around with machining in his root cellar. Cool stuff.

Pierre's Garage
Pierre and his buddy Phil make all sorts of cool stuff, and they're Canadian too (near Montreal). Both of them are very friendly and are willing to help and share, talked with them a bit. Very cool guys.

Phil's Projects
Pierre's buddy, and a fun channel in its own right too.

Rob from Australia is a tinker with a propensity for being cheap (I can relate) and making things work even with limited resources.

An English fellow living in Pennsylvania, who makes a number of interesting things in his shop, and he's a really cool guy to just visit with too. Very neat fellow.

Amateur Redneck Workshop
Harold is a neat older fellow, who messes around with machine tooling and makes cool stuff like plastic injection molding machines, power mods to his mill, etc. He's a sport shooter, so into firearms, but not all his videos are about that (in case you're really not into shooting sports). Pleasant guy to visit with, too.

Anywho, this is what I'd like to add to the list. I've gained a new respect for the guys who post weekly, as I tried it at one point and weekly was a bit too much to juggle with a family and job. Now it's every couple weeks on average. Does anyone else in this system do YouTube? It would be cool to see what other guys (and girls!) are doing too.


Super User
It's just a small channel, with just some of the stuff over the last year on it:


Yeah, felt kind of silly trying to do it weekly then having to back off a bit but most people understood. Having an infant (now running around!) son kind of takes a lot of time! Like I say I'm an auto mechanic who's screwed around with machine tools off and on since I was a teenager, so like all of us hobbyist-class guys I'm still learning from the people who know what they're doing. Especially interested in learning more about heat treating and casting over the next year or so, as I did some casting in high school and thought it was fascinating even then.

Hopefully something is of interest, and if anyone is in the Edmonton area (or coming this way), don't be strangers. Always up for connections to trade ideas and metal bits with, we all need them.


Ultra Member
Premium Member
I've gained a new respect for the guys who post weekly, as I tried it at one point and weekly was a bit too much to juggle with a family and job. Now it's every couple weeks on average.
Agreed. On the Paul and Kathy Short channel I reference he has a entire video about this issue. He monetized his channel and bought a bunch of equipment so he could shoot almost everyday but really broke even. When YouTube changed their business model for guys like him he got pretty mad. Don't know if he vids as often now. But I like him. He's from Newfoundland and has a killer shop.


Super User
I first heard of Paul when I was still on Orange Tractor Talks, a Kubota enthusiasts' forum. I had a Kubota when I still had my acreage and while I made a few pieces and implements for it, Paul's work was phenomenal. He showed a bunch of the stuff he built, repaired and modded, and it was always top-notch. Always have held his work in great respect. It was cool to see his channel when I got more involved in this YouTube thing. Too bad about how YT hosed him (and a LOT of other people) over, I'm not happy about how the whole thing went down either but it's their sandbox and if we want to play in it we have to put up with their rules. I'm not doing it for money anyway, but the fun of it. And, when I have to find another job, it makes a handy portfolio :D


Ultra Member
Premium Member
Too bad about how YT hosed him (and a LOT of other people) over, I'm not happy about how the whole thing went down either but it's their sandbox and if we want to play in it we have to put up with their rules.
Just out of curiosity how did they hose him and others? He was on such a rant in his video he never explained what they actually did...just how awful they were. I am not on social media or YouTube so I don't understand what the issue was--did it have something to do with only paying him if the views were subscribers?? I never got it.


ersatz engineer
One of the things that have creators upset is how monetization was changed. Essentially it was a cash grab with spurious excuses. Second, You had to get a paid 'prime account in order to allow comments on your videos - another cash grab. Thirdly, they demonteized many accounts for even thinner reasons. I just can't tell which (or all) of these things hit them.


Super User
Back in 2017 and into 2018, some of the bigger names in YouTube did some stuff that was generally unacceptable behavior, and posted it in their videos (racially suspect stuff, inflammatory language, showing actual corpses, etc). So, many advertisers backed out of YouTube with the threat that if YouTube didn't shape up they would be gone forever. So, YouTube "reformed" their programs, including taking away the rights to allow ads (and therefore receive a portion of ad revenue) from the smaller channels, thinking this would stop the "damage done to the community by the minority of trouble makers." Well, the flaw in that is that part of the "trouble maker" demographic was in their top-subscribed channels, like Logan Paul and PewDiePie, and they aren't going to cut off or suspend their biggest attractants, are they?

So, here we are. It is what it is, and like I said before it is YouTube's sand box to determine what happens. With a lack of other reasonably viable platforms it's what we have. There are a number of decent-sized channels in the maker/hobby machining community on YouTube, like the names mentioned above, but they weren't affected as much with the policy changes as they already had over 1000 subscribers and 240000 watch minutes in the previous year, which is now the new criteria for applying for the YouTube Partner Program, a.k.a. being able to monetize videos, receive a very small cut of ad revenue, and some other perks like live streaming.

My channel's very small, and I just do it for the fun of it and to potentially use it as part of a portfolio when I need to find a job again. The channel has enough watch time now over the last year - I'm coming up on 1 year on YouTube - but don't have enough subscribers to even qualify had I wanted to. I'm not in a hurry anyway, as even though I've been screwing around with metal work off and on since I was a kid there's always more to learn and the big names, like Adam Booth, Keith Fenner and Keith Rucker are all people I look up to and wish to learn from. Without YouTube, I would not be able to do that. So overall I still believe it can be a useful and beneficial system, even if much of its bandwidth is consumed by stuff that I just shake my head at . . .

Sorry for the long rant . . . Not sure if it helps clear the air a bit but hope it's useful . . .


Ultra Member
Premium Member
Actually, that's very helpful. No rant at all. Finally I understand it. Thanks for the explanation for us introvert types like me :)


Ultra Member
Premium Member
I know the one we forgot:


Mostly mini mill and lathe stuff, but some good learning resources for anyone starting out. Also good links to tools you can buy online. In the Photo Gallery section he still has the personal tour he did of the SIEG factory in China in 2006. Kinda cool. I remember him making the point about "cheap" Asian machines and how a good craftsman learns to compensate for a machine's deficiencies.


Oooh this is a goldmine to stumble upon I think! Lol it appears I have a lot of videos to watch! Let’s hope the out-of-town wifi gods look upon me with favour from now on [emoji12]
Jman of only 1 year - taking a leap and building a shop - sooooo much to learn, and quickly.... Must. Keep. Watching.
So much to soak up and such a short life to do it [emoji44]


Ultra Member
Premium Member
I stumbled upon this. I have been wondering what you all use for references. I thought I bring it to the front for new members.

Thanks @Dabbler for starting it


Ultra Member
Premium Member
It's a good thread. There used to be a lengthy thread on another forum I follow that was the opposite of this—it featured bad channels and tooltips to be aware of—kind of like the Darwin Awards for DIY'ers. They were all tips put on YouTube in ernest, by wannabe DIY guys who weren't quite ready for prime time and really didn't have the experience or skills to teach others yet, but obviously enjoyed seeing themselves on YouTube. Examples included how to use the side of your grinding wheel to sharpen tools, installing a heater in your varsol parts washer, using old screwdrivers as chisels, and (my favourite)—daisy chaining multiple small air compressors to "get more power."

The thread had hundreds of links, but sadly disappeared about a year ago. I think it was taken down because it degenerated into name calling and picking on the video makers quite badly, which wasn't the original intent. It really was started to warn others that some advice is just plain bad, wrong, or potentially deadly. If It had stayed civil, it would have been a gold mine because almost every criticism came with the correct advice...at least at first. But people being people, it turned into personal attack after a while and as such, "cancelled itself."