Doggy ramp or steps


Premium Member
Anja has reached the age where she can no longer effortlessly jump into the back of the SUV. I'm afraid she will really hurt herself when she doesn't jump high enough.
And she fights when I lift her to the point where she hurts herself or me.
Looking for plans or suggestions on a foldable ramp or steps that is very compact when stored.


Ultra Member
We have numerous sets of doggy stairs. I really like the ones we have although they are not foldable, but are very light because they are made of foam. We have used them for several years and they hold up well. We chose this style because if you inadvertently bump into them you won't stub your toe.

Both dogs took to them within 1-2 cookie bribes.

I think they might be these ones, but not sure because we purchased a while back

They also have foldable versions that look the same.


Ultra Member
Premium Member
I converted an old plastic foldable atv ramp for our dogs to use when they get old. My dogs were so highly trained that new tricks were built on old ones, so I can't suggest much more that the treats @slow-poke suggested. A smart dog will either learn immediately or find a shortcut. So I'd put temporary sides on the ramps to prevent the shortcuts. Once they know how to use the ramps you can put the sides away.