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Do you RC?


After talking to a couple members here, I noticed RC come up in conversation more than once.
What kind of RC stuff does everyone play with?
I started with rockets and control line planes in school. That eventually led to nitro helis and as battery technology progressed, electric helis. My long range vision is terrible so I’ve been building and flying fpv drones.
Plus a couple of nitro monster trucks in there somewhere


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I too started with control line planes. Dabbled in everything except drones.

I have plans for steam tug, and electric working fireboat Wm Lyon Mackenzie King
@TorontoBuilder flying fpv has been a lot of fun. And just to clarify these are NOT the picture taking, spy on your neighbors kind of drones.
I’ll never legally fly a manned aircraft and this is probably as close as it gets while staying on the ground. Flying circuits with fixed wing and helis was getting too hard to see... loosing orientation or just plain loosing it in the sky. That’s getting a little dangerous
@TorontoBuilder flying fpv has been a lot of fun. And just to clarify these are NOT the picture taking, spy on your neighbors kind of drones.
I’ll never legally fly a manned aircraft and this is probably as close as it gets while staying on the ground. Flying circuits with fixed wing and helis was getting too hard to see... loosing orientation or just plain loosing it in the sky. That’s getting a little dangerous

I know I have considered a drone in the past, but haven't gotten around to them yet. I use a kite for aerial photography still but I'd love to have real time video view.
Guilty as charged. Pattern (aerobatics), Pylon racing (Q40/Q500 methanol & electric F5D), bit of E-heli dabbling in my confused years haha. Actually I really liked heli's & was comfortable with left stick collective, but switching back & forth was fragmenting my airplane throttle DNA. So felt I had to choose one or the other or else just a matter of time before something expensive got buried deep in the dirt. Past couple years I got into F5J/ALES soaring ~4m moldie ships chasing 'the invisible stuff' (thermals). I've found the man-vs-nature stuff quite challenging & often humbling. Last season I dabbled in DLG (Discus Launch Gliders) to compliment the soaring thing which I've quite enjoyed. Other than launching them is physical & my not-so-great shoulder lets me know. This is probably the first year in many I haven't had a winter build project on the go, but part of that is trying staying focused on the radial.
My dad got my brother and I started off with line control in the late 70's, then we moved to RC planes in the early 80s. Then 1/10 off-road racing in the mid-late 80s. Then switched to racing r/c boats (outrigger hydros) in the mid 90s. We actually won the 11cc world championships in 97and finished top 3 in many US regional and national events. We - being my brother and I. After I got married in 2003 no more r/c :(

Racing the hydros introduced to metal working. We setup a small machine shop in my moms basement. We started off with a Taig mini lathe - really pushed this poor machine to the max. Then we found a Emco Compact 5 - great little machine. We also found a busy bee benchtop milling machine (circa late 80's / early 90s). Having a real milling machine opened up whole new possibilities. We made all kinds of parts, modified engines, etc. I remember one of projects was balancing a 90 crankshaft - had to drill to holes for tungsten plugs in a hardened crankshaft. When my brother moved to the US he ended up taking these machines with him.

Always wanted to get a metal lathe again as they are so damn useful. I was lucky to find a Myford ML7 last year and a CX605 mini-mill a few months later. At first I thought the 605 was toy, but it is actually quite capable if you only take off small amounts. Hoping to upgrade to a bigger machine if one pops up. The Myford was a wonderful project over the past year. My son and I stripped it down completely and cleaned it up and, repainted it and reassembled it. Amazing how well a 55 year machine works. I was going to get an off-shore lathe but after some research an old lathe is still better than a new one.

The best part of setting up the new machine shop is my 15 year old son as really taken a huge interest in machining. He took grade 10 metal shop this year and absolutely loves it. I have to brag a bit - he is actually got 100% so far. One of his side projects was a tap follower with a MT2 taper which blew is teacher away!

My wife on the other hand is not too thrilled with all the swarf coming up from the basement :)

Sorry to ramble on....but yes was into R/C :)
Another one here ... seriously into RC aircraft from the early 70's until about 5/6 years ago. Before that, control line and free flight. (Think I've still got a couple of RIngmasters hanging in the garage.) My time and attention slowly shifted more towards machining projects. Flying had always been something done to just complete a project and I found myself disillusioned with the hobby as ready-to-fly stuff became mainstream. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with that approach ... it's just not for me. (Full disclosure - I've had a few ARFs in my day as well.)

Here are a few that are hanging from the shop ceiling right now ... BTW - the yellow Antic was built in the mid-70's!


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I forgot the real genesis of my RC addiction.

Modeling is a gateway drug.

At some point you ask, wouldn't it be cool if this did more than sit there? Then you can only blow up so many models before that gets old.
I used to have a couple cars/trucks in my early teens. Never flown anything, but always wanted to. My 9yo son is starting to get into my old stuff, and I'd like to build a new kit with him. I can see this being a pretty fun adventure for the both of us. Maybe build a track through the garden around the veggies next year. So much has changed in 30 years.
My son and I did the ready-to-fly kit route years back, great fun and pretty forgiving in terms of repairs and cost. We spent a lot of time patching them and sending them back up. Could never get my brain to adapt to the 'flying away from you' and 'coming towards' you adjustments. Having an acreage and empty quarter section across the road helped lots to. Just throw them off the front porch and fly.
I spent years building and flying FPV quadcopters and wings. Such great fun and I have been thinking of pulling my stuff out. Have just been using the small DJI the last couple years.

I haven't been able to stay out of the air thought!
I used to fly RC but there's no where to fly where I live now so I sold all my planes and gear.
Right now I am mostly playing with my RC Crawlers. I just 3D printed a trailer for my 10th scale. Next I'll make a hitch for the 6th scale jeep. I also fly drones and nitro airplanes.


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I just got into RC recently for a specific purpose: I wanted to build an RC lawnmower to do under the trees in my backyard due to some back issues I now have. Turns out it worked so well I got rid of my gas mower altogether and now just mow the full lawn with the RC one now. It was a fun winter project a few years ago and it is still running. It has a couple of Arduinos onboard for sensors as well. I have all sorts of improvements I'd like to make, but haven't started any yet. I didn't expect it to work so well out of the gate—so I was kind of stunned when it performed the way it did.
@CalgaryPT we might need to see some pictures of the mower
