Hi Guys,
As promised, it's been home since 2 weeks so here is some pics of it in my garage.
I had it delivered from Toronto to Quebec city area by truck for less than the fuel cost it would have cost me to pick it up myself.
Then we loaded it on a towing flatbed platform for the last 5miles and we were able to slide it effortlessly in it's final spot with no trouble at all.
It is a heavy machine, probably 5200-5300lbs with the massive HSS tubing base.
I'm pretty pleased so far, just need to find time to fiddle with it a bit, power it up and find tooling which I already started to do.
Will need to replace the OE motor (440v 3ph) with a 220v 3ph unit and add a working DRO as the Heidenhain TNC113 was disconnected in the past and it is missing 2 of the 3 scales. Anyway I'll get a modern DRO with the new functions (bolt holes patterns and such).
Already have the CNC control that controls the feed motor (so I can control each axis separately, one at a time) but if needed I can add separate motors to each axis on the same control to get ful CNC.
Right now, with a DRO it would be similar to an Aktiv model (not a true CNC) but probably enough for me.
I will probably be in touch with other Deckel owner members here from time to time to exchange tips.
Cheers, Jason
As promised, it's been home since 2 weeks so here is some pics of it in my garage.
I had it delivered from Toronto to Quebec city area by truck for less than the fuel cost it would have cost me to pick it up myself.
Then we loaded it on a towing flatbed platform for the last 5miles and we were able to slide it effortlessly in it's final spot with no trouble at all.
It is a heavy machine, probably 5200-5300lbs with the massive HSS tubing base.
I'm pretty pleased so far, just need to find time to fiddle with it a bit, power it up and find tooling which I already started to do.
Will need to replace the OE motor (440v 3ph) with a 220v 3ph unit and add a working DRO as the Heidenhain TNC113 was disconnected in the past and it is missing 2 of the 3 scales. Anyway I'll get a modern DRO with the new functions (bolt holes patterns and such).
Already have the CNC control that controls the feed motor (so I can control each axis separately, one at a time) but if needed I can add separate motors to each axis on the same control to get ful CNC.
Right now, with a DRO it would be similar to an Aktiv model (not a true CNC) but probably enough for me.
I will probably be in touch with other Deckel owner members here from time to time to exchange tips.
Cheers, Jason