ersatz engineer
@RobinHood if the need arises you can borrow mine 

4 grand eh...... Well, that's not showing up in my shop anytime soon.
Holy crap, those aren't cheap at all. I have one, and I will guarantee I didn't pay that much for it..... My grin will be even bigger next time I get down to the shop and see it again.Yes, it works very well - as long as your surface grinder has the real estate to accommodate the two items.
The proper tool is a punch grinder. They are very compact, super accurate and can be pricey. I don’t have one.
HARIG 010-100 V-Block Fixture Grinding Fixture
Ball and race design with 36 balls under preload for minimum deflection & sealed from grinding dustApplicationsGrinds various shaped punches up to 1-1/4" diameter.Built for high precision work within ±.0001".FeaturesV-block unit.Adjustable stop and pin allows swing to desired angles.Gaging...www.travers.com
机器安全到家。使用升降床拖车。我们能够将装有磨机的叉车开上降到地面的甲板。5000 磅的叉车必须稍微工作才能将其固定到位,但它成功了。
我们正在使用 5500 磅托盘搬运车卸载。绳索在那里控制甲板的速度。拍完这些照片后,机器在托盘搬运车上发生了意想不到的移动。我们立即用安全带固定工厂并重新组合我们的方法。从对面使用第二个 5500 磅托盘搬运车,然后我们能够将磨机安全地带到陆地上。抱歉,没有移动那个阶段的照片,因为我们的重点是安全地继续工作而不是拍照。
然后我们开始开始开始我们开始我们商店商店商店商店的的他的他他他((是的……(我只有一个1/2”的夹头,对此非常兴奋)。它们旁边的锥形锥体是主轴适配器,可将夹头直接安装在垂直和水面上 - 主轨
这是我最喜欢的铣床。有机会我会去你的工作室跟你交流The machine is safely home. Used a lift bed trailer. We were able to drive the forklift with the mill up the deck that was lowered to the ground. The 5000 lbs forklift had to work a bit to get it in position, but it worked out.
Here is the load ready for the trip home. Yeah, I know, lots of straps.
View attachment 15641
We were offloading using a 5500 lbs pallet jack. The rope is there to control the speed down the deck. Right after we took these pictures, we had an unexpected move of the machine on the pallet jack. We immediately secured the mill with safety straps and regrouped our approach. Using a second 5500 lbs pallet jack from the opposite side, we were then able to bring the mill safely onto terra firma. Sorry, no pictures of that phase of the move as our focus was heightened on safely continuing the job and not taking pictures.
View attachment 15642
View attachment 15638
It is now safely on the concrete floor.
然后我们开始拆箱……(当我们到达他的商店时,卖家已经把所有东西都打包好了)。这是随附配件的图片。左边是 Deckel 夹头,也适合我的 Deckel SO 工具磨床,是的……(我只有一个 1/2” 的夹头,对此非常高兴)。它们旁边的锥形锥体是主轴适配器,可将夹头直接安装在垂直和水平主轴上 - 节省了大量的头部空间。
View attachment 15639
非常感谢 @Dabbler 今天的大力帮助。非常感激。
Took some time off from the outdoor summer project (re-shingling the house) and finally made the missing hand wheel for the mill.